
Still, he didn’t have much to say about why he thought Smith being the victim of a break-in was a reasonable launchpad to question the player’s maturity.

Well he was a part of that gang & it would be interesting to see the circumstances that led him to joining & staying.

If you disagree then don’t play it lol

C’mon Toyota, Just do a nod to the aftermarket past. No need for anything else.

I think he lost it in the granny shift. He should’ve double-clutched.

“pumping out its new and improved 2018 model, the JL, while simultaneously offering the outgoing JK, also as a 2018 model.”

This is gonna cause a headache for parts guys one day.
Source: A parts guy. 

Yes. If you either know who it belongs to, and/or you make no reasonable effort to return it. It’s at least a crime in the US and the UK.

Yeah, modifying tires is always one of those things where you need to be really, really sure in your procedures. This seemed to go very well though!

Too many studs. you get better penetration with fewer studs. Ice melts under pressure

look man, this is the third player hes knocked out of the game with a hit to the head, in the last nine games. aston reese has a broken jaw and a concussion, the jaw will require surgery. wilsons been headhunting, blatantly, and to devastating effect, and the NHL is consistently doing nothing about it.

Even if thoroughly reviewing that sees Wilson make contact with the shoulder first, the launch up will get him, on top of this being the second game straight something like this has occurred.

nobody actually likes any Queen songs.

Don’t use common phrases or words. BiRdSaNdBeEs_123 isn’t as great a password as bVWx633HVN7Z.a!=.

Dude, did you even look at the “after” pictures at the top of the article? No proper cage is going to warp and bend like that from a simple accident. You can even see one of the welds that busted on the front hoop.

If an Evo can go flying off the road at Pikes Peak and the occupants can walk away, this guy should have

I think the picture showing the crashed cart tells you about everything you need to know. Almost every single weld is blown out. Also we are looking at the right side when the car hit the left side. More than likely, he was wearing a belt, but the harness bar was destroyed in he impact.

Just a seat belt probably would have saved him... Couldn’t take the 5 seconds to save his poor family a lot of grief.

Maybe we’re reading too much into this, and the simple answer is the correct answer: the Browns don’t know what the fuck they’re doing and this is further evidence of it.

Give it a rest. I expect misinformed crap like this on non case enthusiast sites, but I feel it’s reasonable to expect writers on jalopnik to know what break away points are in automotive design. It’s a technology that was pioneered in F1 and has found its way into high end road cars because it’s FAR superior to other

Yes. They’re literally designed specifically to break apart in a collision to dissipate collision energy and transfer it away from the passenger compartment. This is a misinformed post at best.

Be aware that ALL 2016 RS’s are subject to the FSA for the incorrect headgasket (which means they have, or will need to have open-heart surgery)....

This applies to all 2017's made on or before June 2017 as well.

2018 cars and late 2017 cars avoided this issue.

Full Disclosure: Owned a 2017 FSA RS.... car was using