
unfortunately for everyone else she rarely put a decent race together and ended up causing the wrecks herself most of the time

The answer to your question is: ‘Yes, you are the problem, and you represent a cancer long plaguing the gaming community.’

No, you don’t.

North and South Korea(who are our allies, btw) are a unified delegation for the Olympics. Maybe being the bigger man and standing for our allies should mean more than trying to stick to ole’ Un, no?

So do the Colts get a banner for this or not?

I really don’t understand why these are so expensive, I get that they are popular but the price just seems ridiculous.

I really don’t understand why these are so expensive, I get that they are popular but the price just seems

Jesus. The price of that M3 and that ATS V would make me forget that the Stinger exists.

It’s very tense, and a ton of fun when playing with friends. If you enjoy shooters like this, it will literally have your heart pounding, or laughing your ass off. It’s good enough that 34 million people have purchased it.

Have you heard the sound that the GT3 motor produces? Have you heard the sound that the turbo 4 produces?

I’m sure Fox Sports just doesn’t want to alienate the eight people who still visit their website.

I wish I had a snarky comment for this. I’m out of ‘em. Fuck that ridiculous right-wing cabal of sham networks and everything they stand for.

The OG Dodge Viper ignited my love of cars. We were in a Dodge dealer in 1995, my parents were buying my older brother a Neon and I noticed this oval bulbous thing in the middle of the showroom. I looked at it and wondered why there were speakers on the hood (I was young.) The lines, the power, the sheer will of the

I really don’t understance this at all.

Broken femurs is some serious shit, I bet she was wheelchair bound for 6 months and still has trouble walking now. Broken orbital can change your face for ever. 

All y’all saying that the age of consent is 16 have no idea what you’re talking about. A minor is a minor, and laws about corrupting/harming/endangering a minor swing into full effect.

It’s a C7 so it can’t be that old.

“The ‘N’ stands for Namyang, Hyundai Motor’s global R&D Centre in Korea, where the idea was born, and for the Nürburgring, home to Hyundai Motor’s European Test Centre, where the N line up was further developed and tested.”

So what exactly does N stand for then? Is it just Hyundai saying that BMW has M and N is one better?

Antonio Brown is basically a cheat code at this point.