Nick P

Yeah I'm also looking at either the Doxie One or the ScanSnap S1100. Anyone able to provide a reason why they went with one in favour of the other?

I used it for a couple of years but about 2 months out from your subscription renewal you start to get a pop-up reminder every hour or so that you can't disable (you can close it but it will reappear within the hour). I also found it a bit of a resource hog.

I'm currently doing a version of alternate day fasting and this makes sense now. (If you don't know what ADF is search YouTube for the BBC Horizon program recently broadcast). I'm on the 2/5 option - fast for 2 (non-consecutive days) eat normally for the other 5. So based on the above I guess the body switches into

"When you install it, you can choose where to put your Google Drive folder..."

"Most could care less"

So how about a Lifehacker Top 5 ways to learn new languages?

And of course we've got the US wanting bomb material to blame for all Nuclear reactors using Uranium instead of Thorium - which apart from being safer (as mentioned above) is also far cheaper and yet still produces more bang for your buck!

The one thing that's stopped me switching to Chrome (from Firefox) is the ability to automatically open bookmarks, searches and in-page links to different sites in a new tab. Yes I know I can use key combos but its just not as convenient.

Not useful at all... because when I scroll down the page the black bar disappears off the top of the page so you have to scroll back up to click it anyway.

I hope Google releases their black bar as some kind of browser toolbar. Would be far more useful to have notifications, email counts and reader volumes shown regardless of which site I'm browsing rather than just Google properties.

I thought it was okay (not great) until the end when it said it was in 3D. I just hope there's a 2D version I can go watch instead.

I'm guessing it pretty difficult to carry a sword concealed! "Hey is that a sword in your pocket or are you just happy to see me"

I'd happily drive a car plastered with adverts if the company paid for the car, and all tax/servicing. In fact I'm sure there's companies that already do that (but not in the UK that I can find!)

And universal theme patcher is what exactly?

I agree with MattyMattMatt - get with the germs everyone! We're not meant to live in a completely germ free environment and doing so just weakens out immunity when we miss some germs and they get their revenge!

@Riff-Raff: Beat me to it. I just punch in the four digit code on the fruit.

They done this kind of parallax motion on documentaries for years - where they just have old photos and need to make them more dynamic.

Surely the answer is to be upfront with the person you're recording and (whilst recording) say something like:

@Bill Clark: 38" isn't that high! It certainly wouldn't work as a standing desk for me.

Of course you could just buy a better shredder such as a cross-cut one that wouldn't just turn it into strips but instead makes confetti from your personal paperwork.