
Luckily, the science is settled. Just like the earth being flat, the universe revolving around the Earth, Newtonian physics, and a whole host of other things.

I think the “basketball ring” is what did him in.

he is not a Washington outsider. He served in Bush II administration.

Is it really such an indictment? Maybe the video just helps reinforce the concept. Maybe people just like slow motion videos.

So Zuckerberg can react to racism within his company but he cant give Kanye a few million dollars!? /s

Now I’ve seen it all. High-fallutin’ white people playing air lute.

rape culture.

What a mess. The first, easiest answer that came into my head on why children would think to do this was “porn”. But I’m sure it’s not that cut and dry. It’s possible they’d heard stories about these kinds of assaults from horrible adults, or perhaps it was gang initiation? I’m surprised they targeted a woman who was

That’s it. I’m getting some beers and finishing this game tonight.
(Read: I’m gonna log on, attempt to reach a waypoint and get massively side tracked and never finish)

Sad that you believe what your liberal media says about my country. “Racist police state” Riiight. Mmmhmm. Funny, this “shit hole” is the only country that people are immigrating to, not emigrating from. Stay in your socialst utopia and don’t visit.

Yeah, that’s not snobbish and elitist at all! Jealously is a bitch.

Says the foreigner on an American website...