Nick Namenone

It’s not super weird. It’s in the context of a story about powerful men in Hollywood treating women like shit.

Shut the fuck up.

Well, Bjork certainly worked within the film. I thought the movie itself was a mess, but her performance was one of the most searing I’d ever seen.

Hoping that the theme song is the B-52's Rock Lobster, but with Fred Schneider yelling BLACK PAN-THER in the updated mix.

I know you’re not, and I certainly wasn’t doing that. (I saw the movie during its premiere at the New York Film Festival- I was a film critic back in the day. I was genuinely rattled when I was walking out of the theater. I was the first to exit, for some reason, and when I opened the door...Bjork was standing alone

The incredible Darwyn Cooke graphic novel adaptations of Parker are cinematic enough for me. Check them out if you haven’t already. Very highly recommended.

Oh God yes. This isn’t a CBS procedural. There isn’t going to be some old girlfriend coming forward with DNA evidence that proves . . . something and the GOP-led Congress will start impeachment proceedings. Trump has given Congress a million different reasons to impeach already, all of them live on television,

This was an excellent review in general and then Ignatiy throws that in at the end — what a brilliant idea. I think the Parker books need a fellow professional to make them, someone who won’t get too flashy but will also respect the essential chilliness of the character, and Campbell would be a great fit.

Me have heard for years that Jackie Chan had been looking for more serious roles and not had any luck with Hollywood. So me glad to see he finally found one. This looks terrific.

Did they label Spicer a flat-out holocaust-denier? No, they mostly-accurately paraphrased his comment that “even Hitler” had never used chemical weapons against “his own people” a statement which was then defended on the distinction of “weapon” vs “agent” and of course leaves hanging the enormous question of why