Nick May

Hot take: “Dracula: the Un-Dead” was awful. Clumsy writing, dull plot, missed the point of a lot of stuff fron the original. I do not have a lot of faith in this movie.

Can’t help but point out that Raccoons - and therefore Rocket - are not marsupials.

Called it

Can’t help bit point out that raccoon are not marsupials

Maybe he meant to tetanus? Idk, that was a bad joke.

Calling it now- this is some kind of alt-universe version of tommy that is using the dragonzord and white tiger coins simultaneously, and has become some kind of multi-dinensional overlord.

Okay, quick question for those who have actually read the books: is gurgi actually a character in them? Because out if everything else in the Black Cauldron movie, gurgi was what got under my skin the most.

Neither the commission nor the authorship are terribly surprising. Houdini was a notorious skeptic and hoax-buster, and Lovecraft always insisted that his stories (and to a lesser degree, all fantastical stories) were products of the author mind and nothing more.

To read more. I only read about five books this year which is a bit of an embarrassment for me. I’d also like to just generally be more creatively productive, but being more specific, I’d like to write more - both creative and the bloggity sort of writing, to make more art, and to start making premium craft drinking

It’s “night on bald mountain” from the original Fantasia .

Great, except that that is the opposite of a crisis.

While all these answers are interesting, I’m gonna go with a classic: The simple machines.

I apologize if this one is a bit on the creepy/trashy side, but if it is, then it probably won’t get approved anyhow, which is probably for the best. Anyhow, the line is:

Just started writing what I plan to be a series of fantasy/humor novellas about a wizard who normal life keeps getting interrupted by cartoonishly grandiose adventures.

For me, it was the then Inheritance Trilogy (now Cycle) by Christopher Paolini. At the time I remember preferring it to to Harry Potter. Now... well, I know better now.

Dude, this was fifth grade for me, too. I actually had to read this as part of my school's accelerated reading program. I totally forgot it even existed.

Can't believe there wasn't one that said "Good Guy Sauron promotes workplace diversity." Seriously, he's almost the only reason any race on either side of the conflict would even tolerate each other.

Same here, man. Loving it so far.

Anybody know what that music was in the background?