
“did you pull a permit for that structure, it is up to building codes?” said the strict man from the city.

It states that it doesn’t matter how many driveways the home has only 2 cars per house in any drive way. Also you can’t erect those portable garages to cover a car. Seem they thought this out.

Sorry, I am not familiar with “large” as a currency measure. What does this mean?

What an interesting article.Thanks David!
Of course we all know car makers check out each other’s cars , but a private company in this space is quite the thing.Fascinating

Most likely the 150k is for the other manufacturers that want the info, the original one that wanted the i5 study paid the Half Million. (I work a lot with consulting firms)

figure out if they’re getting ripped off by their parts suppliers.

Honest question here: where did you get that 150 figure from? It seems so low a charge for a document of that nature.

Yeah, this looks like my dream job.

You name it, and Munro’s engineers tear it apart.

This is such a pedantic and obsessive industry. I love it!

And they’ll sell a half dozen copies of it or more, plus be able to add the individual component data to a catalog which will generate more revenue.

They are certainly very thorough. The details you can access are quite amazing, until you consider what they must be charging for their services, and then it all makes sense ;)

costs 150 large.

Oh, man, I’m in the wrong fucking industry.

This totally appeals to my sense of obsessive detail, organization, and tearing stuff apart.

Typically an avionics upgrade is around $700k.

All bizjets in that class have roughly the same cruise speed of around .80-.83M

Well into six figures...especially if there’s not an already STCed solution out there (which I’m pretty sure there are several for this aircraft from several vendors.)

Nice plane, but it’ll be due for a complete avionics retrofit within a few years. CRT displays are going the way of the dodo (the supplier base is drying up quickly.)

The smaller the (self-proclaimed) fortune, the flashier the plane.