
holy shit why did he have to talk all the way through that god damn video. intro the scene and stfu


booooo your joke sucks

Yah the guy who thinks you shouldn't murder people you disagree with is the coward

Oy I said "cowardly and antidemocratic" you wilful misinterpreter. And I'm one of the guys who says in a country like America where the President's powers are pretty restricted, assassinating him isn't justifiable. Overthrowing, imprisoning, impeaching, sure.

The law has an opinion as to what is and isn't allowable/justifiable in a democracy, yes.

I won't pretend there's no possibility of violence down the road, but that's very different to saying "I would like the democractically elected president to be murdered in cold blood :D"

I and the law completely disagree with your "if"s, but in any case this leader was democratically elected so your statement is extra irrelevant.

Don't say that or joke about it. That's not the way to win this fight, and even approving of an assassination is cowardly and antidemocratic.


tobey maguire was 27 when he was spider-man, not a hair older than 21yo Holland.

I make a living writing articles online and this was not worth an article.

this was not worth an article

"while that may still seem like a lot of money, it’s not even a tenth of the film’s $217 million production costs" that's not how these things work

exactly. people like x-men because it's people with powers fighting other people with powers. introducing entities like phoenix, aliens like shi'ar, ven immortal gods like apocalypse is weird. leave that shit to guardians.

you're 100% right

dude fuck the dark phoenix saga. no one liked it in xmen 3 and no one liked it in xmen apocalypse. stop fucking bringing space gods into movies NO ONE LIKES THEM it's weird and offputting for gen pop

wtf the headline says that the series ends in disappointment in both his job and his personal life. the whole season is him trying to find success in those areas and the headline says he fails, spoiling both narrative arcs of the entire season.

hahahaha holy shit you're right. Man, that's really going to stick with me, what you said. Like that small town that voted for a bear to be mayor.

Is it me or does this article/headline kind of imply he didn't get that it was satire. Because he did