Nicki Stern

Not sure how your reply relates to anything I commented on, perhaps you meant to reply to another comment, but if you ARE responding to me, I know very well the differences between forms of hate. Perhaps YOU will one day learn to understand that TRUE hate is beating up the elderly man I talking about in my comment

Hear, hear. The general bashing of half the population is tiring and manipulative and assumes every single SNL fan is a Lena Dunham Trump bashing hipster. Do they think ZERO ppl who voted Trump watch SNL? it's hateful to the other half of the country and that's the one thing they say about Trump; that he's hateful.

Thank you! It's a shame when the party and population that preaches tolerance and equal rights and anti-discrimination, the minute you say something on Twitter or here that smacks in any way shape or form of a differing opinion and heaven for bid anything appearing Pro Trump: they block it with a mean and nasty

Eps 1 and 2 are available online.

Rewatched the scene several times, totally consensual. Not sure what you are sensitive to but … If you want to know what TV non-consensual looks like, have a look at season 2 of "The Affair", containing a pretty famous non-consensual near-rape. (I forget which Ep, Google) Watch the two scenes side-by-side or back to