Nickibi Beejay

Holy hell I missed that.

Whoa...I just googled him. I somehow missed that he had died. That sucks.

aw, man, instant tears

I want to say something witty or snarky about how these people should just give him a chance, but really: fuck these simple-minded dumbfucks and the shit they’ve unleashed on all of us. I guarantee they take no responsibility for putting this orange asshole into office and all of the horrible shit that has rained down

You can’t spell “cognitive dissonance” without i-d-i-o-t.


I’m going to chalk this under “Honest Mistake,” although why the need to specify “Minors Need Not Apply”? If one comes in, tell them nope.

Melanie Henderson seemed so uncomfortable talking the minorities that works there. Notice that both servers were white and all the ‘minorities’ were back of the house jobs. The help they need is front of the house and they don’t want those darkies up front.