Nick's Hunk

WHY will they not let us transfer game data to a new switch? this is such bullshit. this is a game where you spend 100s of hours making the village (or island) exactly how you want it and it will all go poof if you want to upgrade your hardware. and the special solution they’re working on when they could just.. let us

I have two problems here. The first, and most irritating, is their insistence in the past that the game should not be permitted to be backed up because of how unique and precious the player’s experience is with this game. In my experience, it is EXACTLY this kind of game you should be able to back up. I accidentally

This is one reason why people have hacked their switches, to allow the movement and backup of save files.

Nintendo continues to make really great games, wrapped in the most un-user-friendly restrictions possible.

But who cares. Let people min/max if they want to. That’s how they want to play Animal Crossing. Like some maniacal fruit hoarders hocking rare apples while their local towns frogs beg the mayor to build a bridge.

“For cases where a Nintendo Switch is broken, lost, or stolen, we are considering implementing a save data backup functionality that is unique to this game” still doesn’t appear to address you know, buying a new Switch as an upgrade.

Not even being able to back it up or one-way transfer in case of system failure is not a “non-issue.” That’s ridiculous nonsense that has no place in a game in 2020.

Well this is frustrating, my wife wanted to play the game but was thinking about getting her own switch. I was going to say just have her play on mine and then we’d transfer it to hers once she gets one. But this seems entirely counterproductive to that fact. I can’t even just stay out of the game myself until then so

Why would cheating matter in a single player game?

And Nintendo wonders why people want to jailbreak their consoles...

Jesus I wish nintendo would join the 21st century and get cloud saving in all their games so I am not restricted to playing on just one device.