
Wow! I don't know how I missed how that quote said that for every American movie producers have to borrow money relying on estimates on its overseas reception, evidence that unlike American producers and movie folk stupid sexist overseas financiers refuse to support female directors, and that Mr. Elwes, being the

"Just saying that all men want to keep women down is a simplistic answer that ignores the complexity of the problem and the underlying causes."

Plenty of facts beginning with major studios can do their own financing and even for smaller films having a foreign financier is not necessary. On your side their is only tired, unsupported excuses from one man, cherrypicked from an article that says the industry itself is sexist and needs to do better.

Those sort of claims are nearly always made with regards to accusations of sexism or racism. They are often entirely unsupported. It's patent B.S. especially since what he points to is a recent trend while the exclusion of female directors is not.

Her ghouls were supposed to bring her her feather.

Also, a hearty fuck you to Disqus for some reason switching over to my non-AV Club account without telling me.

A+ for everything—this episode and this season. Wish I could say that about my students' finals…

I agree with you about the layers. And something that I think hasn't been commented on yet is how the returned in this episode seem to have agency. Until now I feel like their actions have largely been defined by the relationships that they had with the still living. It is perhaps for this reason that Victor and Mrs.

Never realized a Sergio Leone quote could be so misused.