Nick Harley

This record is completely inoffensive. I don't remember how a single song goes and I'll likely never listen to it again. Feldmann ruined any chance of this being good. I'm sure 13 year olds will love it. As much as I don't like Tom, I guess he was the one at least trying to push them in more interesting directions.

All I'm saying is that I think you're focusing on a very small portion of the article. "Being contrarian doesn't make you cool" is a small part of the thesis, and according to your logic, if everything is silly, then caring about anything at all is "silly." Marah wrote a great article with a strong emotional center

I was in downtown Cleveland for Game 7 and the parade. After Game 7, things were just incredibly beautiful. Race, social class, all of things that divide people, it all just melted away. I hugged so many strangers, regardless of age or color, and everyone was doing the same, even hours after the end of the game. It

My boos may not be scary, and clearly my logic and sense decency isn't either.

Boooooooooooo. Sports are inherently silly but commenting on the internet to articles you didn't comprehend and slagging the author is totes cool. Got it.

One of my best friends was a "sportsball" guy, until I started explaining the Cleveland narrative (The Drive, The Fumble, The Shot, ect. ect. right up to the Manziel fiasco) He's a huge fan of high-brow drama, so he couldn't believe how much stranger than fiction Cleveland's sports stories truly were. He got so

Automatically love Paul Dano forever. Go Cavs!

I know that it's brand new, but Car Seat Headrest's new album is just telling my life to everyone.

Listened to this already and "Your Best American Girl" and "Fireworks" are some of the finest songs I've heard in a while.

I realize that these movies aren't very good but I have such a huge soft spot for them, I watch them any time they're on television. It's my favorite horror franchise, and the Gale and Dewey love theme is pure cinema score gold.

Roger is infinitely better than Stewie because, since he's always adopting personas, he can be anything the show needs to be. He's a talking plot steroid. It's great, whereas Stewie's character varies greatly from episode to episode with no explanation.

Schmidt wasn't the only one with a dead-beatd dad on New Girl, Nick's Dad (Dennis Farina) is a con man who's responsible for some of Nick's weird behaviors and perpetually disappoints his son.

For me, he was the pitch-perfect casting for Barry in the High Fidelity adaptation.

That's because Stephen Glass is the perfect part for his skills - being awkward and unlikable.

I'm just saying, it's a lazy comparison that people make that holds no weight under inspection and does no justice to either person. McCartney and Lennon are not character types, no matter how hard people make them out to be. Lennon wrote trite bullshit too, McCartney wrote the vocal melody for Kanye's "All Day,"

This is a bullshit comparison. I hate when Lennon gets labeled the "experimental one," when McCartney was the one experimenting with tape loops (it was his idea to use them on Tomorrow Never Knows, he got completely wrapped up in San Fransisco's avant garde scene), recorded the infamous "Carnival of Light" (which

1. Oblivius is pretty darn good. 2. Drag Queen sounds like a Julian Casablancas + the Voidz song. Make of that what you will. 3. The Threat of Joy has a strong Room on Fire vibe. It might be the best song, barring Undercover of Darkness, that they've released since 2006. 2 out of 3 ain't bad.

Yo, it's the police. (Damn, I wanted to like you cause of your avatar too.)

Mad Men Power Rankings are legendary. Bob Benson? Deloitte?

I usually despise when people talk too much about their kids, but I'm so invested in the adventures of Boy A, Boy B, and the Baby.