
I think Beloved is seriously underrated.

I'm so sad that Spider-Woman is ending. I love that book so freaking much.

I have zero problems watching Nick Offerman do anything.

I loved this film. A masterclass is sustained dread. Also to me it feels like a creepy love letter to Shirley Jackson, the opening monologue so reminiscent of the beginning of The Haunting Of Hill House (as well as the opening to The Devil's Backbone, it also a nod to Jackson) as well as the younger Iris Blum looks

I like the Blondie/De Palma mash up best but this one was really excellent. I love going on De Palma jags and getting lost in his work, delirious pure cinema.

I'm devastated which seems so silly to feel that way over someone that I've never met and I hate that I had to wake up to this news. I've been listening to Blackstar all weekend and leave it to David Bowie to release something so pitch black, dense, brilliant and strangely melodic this late in his career. Last night

The first time I watched The Texas Chainsaw Massacre I had to take a breather after the hook scene. I've only seen that movie once, it just makes me feel awful. When I was a child I was over a friends house and they were watching Cujo, I did not watch it with them but I would come downstairs and catch bits of it and

I love the Halloween comics. I've managed to hunt down most of them. Nightdance is without a doubt the best Halloween movie not made. I got to meet Tim Seeley at NYCC where I gushed to him about Nightdance. It hurts my heart that The First Death Of Laurie Strode will never finish. I always kept my fingers crossed

I like this album very much. In many ways it's similar to New Order's Music Complete in that both Janet and New Order, without trying to sound trendy or update their sound end up sounding most like themselves then they have in long while just with a nice modern sheen on top.

Here Here!! (PS I have no prob being sloppy seconds)

So here's my question. Why do you care? Why go on a diatribe about someone you obviously hate. I care because she means a lot to me. I've loved her ever since I was a kid. She helped me except me for who I was and be able to come out when I was 15. Now I don't love everything she does but I love her because she is

Just cause she doesn't act the way YOU think a lady of a certain age should act means that it's okay for everybody to make lazy ageist jokes. Meryl and Helen do their own thing and that's why they're awesome. Madonna does her own thing and she's crucified. How about Grace Jones? She 60 now and certainly does not act

Oh hey guys!!! Madonna's really old, that's totally hilarious. (Since infelction is nearly impossible to detect with the written word the statement above is meant to be dripping with sarcasm, just FYI)

I really like Prometheus a lot, clunky storytelling aside, so thank you for that. There are some big clunks though cause really? You're gonna hang out in the room with the giant head and the ampules oozing black goo when you're already terrified and there's piles of alien bodies, maybe not the best decision. The rest

I think it was continuing the conversation about homophobia in the black community. Being a gay man is generally not excepted (though things are getting better) but gay women are okay cause they are basically there for straight men to get off on.

I love Twin Peaks, I watched it when it was first on television and was obsessed. It showed me what television what actually capable of and continued my love affair with David Lynch. As I've gotten older some of my opinions about Twin Peaks have changed (I use to not love Fire Walk With Me but now think it's