
The motors are much less expansive than the battery, so using oversized motors is a cheap way to jazz up the sales pitch. Being oversized, the motors can also regen at a higher deceleration/braking rate, which increases range.

It was the only excuse EV dorks had to fight back against gearhead chuds in the early days of EV development. The chuds always wanted to go into “my blah blah blah can 0-60 in half a parsec around a corelian moon because it has 385 LIVE horses under the hood!!!!!!” or some yammering caveman noises and grunts that

That no longer exists.

That no longer never existed. A mere 67 years ago the National Guard was required for a few children to access their school. 

Just as maddening when running into the same issue regarding greenhouse gas emissions. We made people’s lives great in the 20th century with a bunch of shit that wasn’t sustainable beyond a few generations. Now your going to expect people to willingly correct that? Nope, for the same reason that somebody who loved

This one hundred percent. No one can be relied on to do the right thing. That no longer exists.

Yeah when you market huge and instant torque as a primary feature of the car, it shouldn’t be a surprise that people are burning up tires.

Because of that, they’ve got a long way to go to win U.S. market share.

The EQS starts in the low $100k range so my sympathy is lean for Mr. Semel.

Something something emissions something something.

That’s an apples and oranges comparison.

You could also embed virtual tracks in the pavement that tell the car exactly where it is all the time, which has to be way easier than the car looking around to see where it is.

Yeah, the passenger cars are the stupid part.

Google and Yelp reviews! Must be true.

Yelp reviews determining what is almost certainly a billion-dollar project.  LOL.

Not quite.

I’m not saying Vegas has good, or even decent public transit, but the tunnel is stupid because it’s just some person driving people in a Tesla, just under ground. It is literally the ideal situation for fully autonomous vehicles, 100% controlled environment, but they STILL have to pay someone to drive the car.

Seriously get me on the payroll. I will lie for money too. Being a shill (for money) is not beneath me.

This stupid loop and giving money to the Oakland A’s is a complete waste. Neither has an actual plan and they keep getting the ok. I am completely fine with making sure people don’t hold up pedestrian traffic on the bridges. No one can just take the dame picture and they sit there trying to get just the right shot. In