
A picture of the vehicle it will be based on, and therefore look like, would have been cool.

I would buy this immediately if it were sold here. The lack of factory camper vans in the states that cost less than $60k is ridiculous. 

This is a common fallacy. Getting sick does not in fact make you healthier. Quite the opposite!

Big if! But again, if you’re sick with Covid, even if mild, you shouldn’t go to work. The idea that lifting mask mandates on flights wouldn’t lead to more sick days for airline employees seems like it requires one to believe masks do nothing.

Can’t say whether what you claim is true or not, but it’s sort of irrelevant. If someone gets sick and finds out it’s Covid, I’d guess they’re not going to work unless they have no other choice, regardless of severity.

New variants are escaping omicron immunity. 

Damn. Leopold Bros started in my town in Michigan but moved out to Colorado years ago. Used to love that place.

Getting harder and harder to get excited about versions of a car that’s been out for 8 years.

Preach. How long before manufacturers start offering non-touchscreen options as a luxury item? I would pay a premium to get rid of it.

And in fact inflation of this sort wouldn’t really matter if the companies experiencing record profits gave folks raises commensurate with the inflation.

It’s a question of proportionality. Something like 50% of that 8.5% figure is from the cost of fuel alone. If we got 4.25% inflation from helping people during a pandemic, I think folks could tolerate that.

Exactly. It’s taking advantage of psychology to score political points without actually helping anyone.

Not surprising to see Larry Summers claim it’s because the gov spent too much money on helping people, but c’mon folks. This isn’t complicated.

I’m 6’5” so I’ve never even entertained the idea of owning a Miata, but I’m not happy about it. 

This is all one needs to see to understand that one is being gouged.

Nah, they have a whole division dedicated to alternative delivery technology. The trucks are already advertising. The notion that their only interest here is in having SMALLER advertisements is rather silly.

My workplace brought people back to hybrid and everyone’s been pissed ever since. Gave rise in no small part to a burgeoning white collar union effort, so maybe they’ll regret that decision.

Managed to snag regular unleaded in Ohio for $3.6999 on our way back from Nashville. The US loves to do “hearings” and nothing else. Photo ops and soundbites and then back to doing nothing of substance.

Do you think it’s at all possible that the fine people of UPS have analyzed the data and decided that there is a business case for these types of vehicles?

Normalize tossing other people’s carry-ons onto the floor when they put them where they don’t belong.