
Under capitalism, employees are a cost of doing business. Corporations will always do the bare minimum to protect them. During slavery, corporations moved away from using slaves for dangerous labor like building railroads because if the slave died, they had to pay the owner. Much cheaper to sacrifice a few thousand

Impressive carbon footprint. 

No, it’s not. No news organization on Earth is impartial. Wikileaks does not publish misinformation. It releases raw documents that you don’t like because they paint your team in a bad light.

Lmao, how exactly are these companies using blockchain to scam people?

Turkey would like a word. 

OK, but did Wikileaks print anything blatantly false? I see folks regularly attempt to tar them with the “they don’t publish everything they get about everyone” thing, but it’s not a compelling argument. Certainly not worthy of prosecution. The US’ case against Assange rested primarily on the confessions of a

Right, you’ve figured out something those 100 large corporations haven’t yet. Congrats.

Are you claiming one deserves to be tortured?

But is any of the information false? Democrats just hate him because he exposed how blatantly corrupt and immoral their favorite team is.

Can you point to any specific Assange “articles” that pushed false information?

I will 100% buy an ID Buzz California or whatever off lease when the current very long warranty I have on our current vehicle runs out. Don’t screw this up VW. They’re going to screw it up.

Say you don’t understand crypto without saying you don’t understand crypto. “Serves no purpose” is just laughably, embarrassingly ignorant.

I’m here to save the day. $4,900 with 58k miles.

My stance is that the outsized role it has in the imaginations of folks who know very little about it is not commensurate with the harm. If you’ll remember, Wall Street bankrupted the world about 15 years ago and many, many people never recovered. The crypto as bogeyman schtick is very tiresome at this point.

It’s been raping and pillaging the world for well over a century. Crypto is a drop in the ocean by comparison, so perhaps we should focus on fixing the biggest problems first.

Now do Wall Street.

We have the alcoholism and racism without any of the good stuff.

There is no hard left with any political power in this country.

Slippery slope fallacy notwithstanding, the government’s role is primarily to keep us safe. Now, they spend $700+ billion on defense while claiming it’s for our safety, but a vaccine mandate actually does keep people safe. Your freedom ends where it infringes on mine, and folks who refuse to get vaccinated clog OUR

Pursuing a Covid zero strategy makes perfect sense in a society where you care about more than juicing short-term profits above all else. Eventually the virus will become endemic with the strong likelihood that it will be far less virulent. At that point you can ease back and treat it more like the common cold or the