There’s only one Nintendo wrestling game I care about, and it’s the one I spent approximately 10 billion hours playing.
There’s only one Nintendo wrestling game I care about, and it’s the one I spent approximately 10 billion hours playing.
Wow, this is sure to anger a lot of folks here, but I'm pumped about this hire. I'm a jalop, but I commute by bike and I'm excited about the prospect of getting some rational Transpo writing here.
Get what is now Benin on the hook too for selling many of those slaves to white colonialists. And how would we handle folks who are descended both from slaves and black slaveowners?
1. Move closer to work and stop spending 10% of your waking life in traffic.
I don’t want anything from you. I’m simply pushing back against these bullshit narratives that get started in the bowels of our diseased corporate politics and then regurgitated endlessly by their pawns on Twitter and in comment sections. I’m not saying you’re consciously acting as a pawn, just that it’s interesting…
Unlike your utterly baseless use of racism and sexism, I’m not using Bernie’s identity as a cudgel. You’ve been dancing on the edge of tropes this whole time. Talking about private jets (another Republican talking point) and who could forget:
Are you sure, “bro”?
How did he financially benefit from exploitation?
I’m sure you were devastated when the Republican smear campaign turned up nothing.
So it’s your Feminism take that Bernie is responsible for the actions or failures of his wife? Actions and failures in this example that don’t amount to shit?
You just called me a racist “bro”. And please be careful with your gendered language. You have no idea how I identify.
I’m just fascinated by your obsession with this particular line of extremely corny “insult”. Very Freudian.
Wow, so now people who are concerned about antisemitism are mentally ill? Yikes.
I’ve been desperately seeking points from you and I can’t find any. Is the point supposed to be the Bernie is a bad candidate because his wife failed at her job? Much feminism!
I don’t know if you support her, I just know you sound like her.
Sad, you’ve fallen to erecting straw men. You’re out here flailing around talking about Jane Sanders for god’s sake! Take the L before you embarrass yourself any further.
Hey, if the swastika fits.
Siri, find me the lamest joke conceivable
“everybody who disagrees with me is sexist” - Hillary proverb