Nick Clinite
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It used to be harder for average people to buy and sell stocks, but now that we can all do it on our phones, the whole system doesn’t function the same way, and new holes in the functionality appear.

And yet, no matter the horrors he encounters in RE7, he always reacted rather bemusedly XD

“What, do they expect us to have actual values in order to win? That’s not fair!”

They’re trying to normalize it while they have the authority, because you know they’re not going to stop it after he leaves office.

I remember that even at the time, many wore “deplorable” as a badge of honor.

Can’t really say for sure yet?

How telling is it that Giuliani thinks “Coach” is a greater honorific than “Senator”?

Would having it be more sensitive somehow affect its ability to take heavy blows, though?  I wonder if that would increase the odds of things like double-inputs.

The drum has to be hit hard for notes to register, so I’ve got to swing my arms.

Isn’t Man of Medan—or whatever it was called—a spiritual sequel to Until Dawn?

My expensive double-jumping cyberlegs haven’t unlocked any worthwhile new areas. The weapons, character enhancements, and leveling system are all good on their own, but they feel like they would be better used in a game with a longer story, more nuanced combat, or a different difficulty curve.

This leads to the question of why weren’t the console releases delayed? Yes, the game had already been delayed countless times, but I think folks would’ve much rather waited and had a game they could play, as opposed to the steaming pile of disappointment currently sitting in their harddrive.


I always liked “Demilitarize the Police”.

I have to leave Sekiro out cuz I haven’t played it yet, but:

My kneejerk reaction to the headline: dear god, a game gives you options to customize your *genitalia*, and gamers are still complaining about shit? I am so sick and tired of this fu

I would be very surprised if it didn’t get added in an later update.

Yes, probably, eventually, once I’ve upgraded my PC. I like cyberpunk (in theory), and I have only been tangentially following its marketing. Frankly, video game marketing in general has become too damaging of the product itself that I have tried my best to ignore them.

It also doesn’t feel like enough to make me love the game as unabashedly as I love The Witcher 3. So far, Cyberpunk isn’t The Best Game Ever or The Future Of Video Games, as the hype promised, nor is it just an enraging pile of offensive tropes.

The .... Dreamcast ...