I’m so intimidated by Eric right now.
I’m so intimidated by Eric right now.
Absolutely love Kotaku and its postings! Here’s my question: Factoring in the increased access to community feedback and opinions, do you think any particular developer (from indies to the 3 giants) stands especially poised to make a statement in welcoming more female presences in gaming and its surrounding culture?
Nah, we haven’t really covered it, although I remember hearing somewhere that it got delayed...
No, but thermal paste is a surprisingly good substitute for mayonnaise.
Have you actually read Dr Nerdlove? It’s full of fantastic relationship advice for normal adults, and given that all of us at Kotaku believe that video games are an excellent hobby for normal adults, it fits perfectly on our site.
Too many people like to watch instead of read.
We are paid salaries, but we get raises every time we write posts that are nonsense. Those raises go up even higher if the posts are illegible or only readable under special light.
What do you find most challenging about the current state of games journalism?
Animal Crossing.
how could you leave out waluigi (also played by stephen totilo)
Kotaku has for the most part created content in the form of text based articles. Have you ever considered transitioning over to conveying stories and industry happenings in the form of interpretive dance? I want to see what graceful and powerful movements one can make when the Madden season kicks off.
Does VR count?
It really depends on the size of the woodchuck. I’ve always felt this question doesn’t provide enough context for an informed reply.
Klepek wins, because he is the only one of the three that actually exists. Also I have a sneaking suspicion he’s a surprisingly scrappy fighter.
When you guys can’t decide where to go to lunch as a group, what’s your default go-to?
What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?
I’m gonna nominate Portland? Portland is pretty good. I live across the street from a food cart that literally only sells breakfast sandwiches.