
I have the Corsair Obsidian 800D and it looks almost identical on the inside, with the exception that the power supply is separated off. I love large cases because they are easier to work with space-wise... but I almost always have to order longer cables to make stuff reach... but with the "behind the motherboard

I visited my uncle back in 2005 or so when he was living in yoyogi uehara. I was told the place was almost 1,000,000 yen a month, being paid for by the american company he worked for (he's a big shot exec and was in tokyo to help run their division there). The place was probably 2-3000 sq ft....

Generally speaking... if you set all the settings to "low" and never mess with them, its still higher quality graphics wise than xbox or ps3.

as an alternative: if you have the window focused -

I very much agree. I don't know if I did ANY of daggerfall's main quest. it was just randomly roaming for me (granted I was like 12 at the time) because the world was so big there was plenty to do just from random generated areas. Crazy dilemma. Random generated makes more exploration area, but handmade areas make it

The important part to note is that he's stating ideals... and considering he is clearly working 40 hours a week and not following the ideals, he understands and agrees with you. Just kinda sucks.

The conversation basically goes as follows:

I played to 100% achievements (pre-DLC) in roughly 90 hours and only encounted 1-2 bugs (extremely optional quest chains that would not move forward, clearly optional as I got 100% achievements without doing these 2 quest chains). I enjoyed the game quite a bit. It wasn't the same game as some other games (Such as New

Vietnam also ran into a lot of political conflicts. The US established rules like the DMZ, which you can pretty well bet the vietcong didn't follow. We pretty well pushed their backs up against the wall, and instead of going in for a kill, the DMZ meant we couldn't push them back any further and they had a chance to

Are you implying that the JJ in JJ Abrams stands for Jar-Jar?

sumimasen was the only japanese i knew BEFORE going to japan. my brother bumped into an old lady in the 100 yen store and he amazed himself with how fast he could suddenly recall sumimasen.

They don't have to ask about your profile. There are 3 profiles on facebook with my name: me, a guy from england, and a blank profile. It wouldnt be very hard to track me down. Thats why it's important to determine what you make public. If your interviewer demands to be friends so he can check out your nonpublic

Its the icing on the cake. The auditory watermark. They could try to downplay the similarities and say "well its just a coincidence that they sound 'maybe a little bit' similar in some parts" and who is to say.

I definitely had the tingle tuner. Whenever I see PSP + PS3, or Wii U, or DSi, I cant help but think how its been around since 2002, and it took this long for it to be fully fleshed out.

I actually do have it set up, I turned off the live tile for the screenshot to protect the privacy of my friends, but I still prefer having multiple webpages open anyway.

I keep important stuff (pidgin, chrome, explorer, notepad++) pinned to the taskbar. the rest is pinned to the start menu (i still refer to the metro/modern/whatever screen as the start menu, since it has the same functionality).

This is the largest issue. People with mental issues generally dont know it (wasn't that the topic of Catch 22?).

Also this argument only applies to deathmatch style games.

it is essentially a start button window. Which is why I dont people get so bent out of shape like they are forced to use metro apps or that its any different

my brother had 13 85's. and is now up to 7 90's with the other 6 all being level 87 or so.