
They don't have to ask about your profile. There are 3 profiles on facebook with my name: me, a guy from england, and a blank profile. It wouldnt be very hard to track me down. Thats why it's important to determine what you make public. If your interviewer demands to be friends so he can check out your nonpublic

Its the icing on the cake. The auditory watermark. They could try to downplay the similarities and say "well its just a coincidence that they sound 'maybe a little bit' similar in some parts" and who is to say.

I'm not diving too far in to content hosting or anything fancy (so you may very well be right about "parts of it") but the HTTP headers for "" say they are on Apache.

I definitely had the tingle tuner. Whenever I see PSP + PS3, or Wii U, or DSi, I cant help but think how its been around since 2002, and it took this long for it to be fully fleshed out.

It's like linux in the sense that "Anyone dealing with real servers has heard of it, but most mainstream PC users haven't".

Like the transition from 3GS to 4, and 4S to 5? They'll make a 5S in the same size. and the iphone 6 (8th gen at that point) will come out with a 5 inch screen to ruin your crap again.

My coworker asked me if "the fire last night" was near me. I was confused. This was apparently half a mile from where I live.. and I live 6 houses down from a fire station.

I've never used it myself. I know of many other teams where I work that do use it, but they have large public facing sites, whereas I build the internal facing web admin tools (that we use apache for).

Wait. nginx is supposed to be something I've never heard of? A lot of the other stuff I'd agree with, but nginx is actually something used widely for large web deployments. It's like linux. Anyone dealing with real servers has heard of it, but most mainstream PC users haven't.

I actually do have it set up, I turned off the live tile for the screenshot to protect the privacy of my friends, but I still prefer having multiple webpages open anyway.

Yeah. Technically Hong Kong is a special region of China. So the top COUNTRY is still South Korea. In either case, makes American internet look silly unless you live in Kansas City.

no one except* americans

I have chrome set to "Continue where I left off" but I keep my browser open 24/7. anyway. Usually have gmail, google reader, tweetdeck pinned and open new tabs as necessary.

I keep important stuff (pidgin, chrome, explorer, notepad++) pinned to the taskbar. the rest is pinned to the start menu (i still refer to the metro/modern/whatever screen as the start menu, since it has the same functionality).

When I posted, there were 6 responses total. of which only 1 even mentioned carbon dating, but didnt answer the question. So at that point they were ignoring the question.

Imperfections of the lock mean you can turn the lock like .01mm or so even with the pins in place. one tool for applying turning pressure. the other tool is to bump up the pins so they go above the shear line. when they try to drop back down, they can get caught on this ever so tiny lip youve created by twisting the

The OP asked 3 questions. the first 2 are completely ignored. I've never said that creationist science is correct. What I've said is that he asked 2 valid questions and 1 troll question, yet people only responded to the troll question. I'll rehash what I've gathered after discussing the topic with people on here who

I appreciate this and it basically sums up what I was thinking. If I'm wrong, give me the facts and I'll accept it. If you don't have counter facts, insulting my intelligence doesn't suddenly make you right (even if you are right, it wasn't the insult that caused it).

gamma radiation as in the gamma ray burst in the year 775 mentioned in the article generating excess carbon 14.

So the appropriate response to the OP's questions would be like: