
To clarify, I'm not siding with creation science here. I'm upset that when I posted this (there were only 6 responses at the time) no responses addressed the very real question of "How does this affect carbon dating"

how big is portland? are there neighborhoods it would be more relevant to? I know in chicago theres a drastic difference between neighborhoods.

Good to know. But this would in fact result in a spike in C-14 alive during this time period. Which means things from this time would need a lot of outside validation from other dating methods to verify, would it not? Still creating an annoying bump in the carbon dating verification bump?

Agreed. I was using a bit of exaggeration. But if the levels were higher, that would mean that with a half-life of c14, that carbon dating alone would in fact be slightly off even if only for this time period. Fortunately we have plenty of other methods to verify this.

Which is what I was concerned might be happening on the science end. Would this change be able to deem carbon dating invalid, to replace it with something else? (not that invalid means young earth). The complete disregard that certain aspects can be invalidated and the sheer contempt of someone suggesting it was

After reading yours and other people's comments, I have a much better understanding of carbon dating calibration.

Handing over a vulnerability that would give anonymous access to your own personal information sounds like a bad idea, no matter the reason.

Which is why I was bothered by the lack of any explanation. "You're wrong because of your belief in creation science" is just as invalid as "1+1=2 because creation science". When its 12:00 and the clock says 12:00, that doesnt validate you to say "it is not currently 12:00 because the broken clock cannot be right." So

Carbon 14 is very rare. A very large burst of gamma could potentially double the carbon 14. And considering the half life is over 5000 years, doubling the carbon would of course take an additional 5000 years to decay back to the starting point. Which means it would be 5000 years OLDER than we expected.

I was not arguing. But this retort is all one needed. A person who says "1+1=2 because creation science" doesn't mean 1+1 != 2. I just needed to know that he was saying 1+1=3. His intelligence doesn't change the validity of his response... his response changes the validity of his response. Even a broken clock is right

Gamma radiation especially that from a huge space burst could have a pretty decent penetration depth. Still your point is valid, but brings up even more issues along with calibrating dates. Things from the 775 or so would show up as being 500 years newer than 775. But something from 400 might only show up as 250 years

I never implied it makes creationists less wrong. Creationists being wrong doesnt automatically make certain science things correct. One person saying 1+1 = 5 and one person saying 1+1 = 3 doesn't mean either is right. One person is closer than the other, but neither is right.

with a headset/speakerphone its not bad. I've used my nexus7 for voip calls before.

I love the responses that jump all over "Creation Science"

You can do all the encryption and decryption client side (javascript) and Mega will never see the decrypted file or the key.

There IS still a need for a key. its just a different key than the original (so your other files can stay safe).

Right. as much as they make it sound like it will block you from copyright prosecution, it wont. They can link file to account (file manager) and with a public key, you can get file contents.

They only know the public key if you link it to them.

It helps in the sense that technically the unencrypted data was never technically on their servers. So it saves his butt. Technically, whether they are obligated to decrypt a public key for the government is a different story. But the "i didnt know it was pirated software" alibi at least holds up now.

There could be a public encryption key. which is used to encrypt your encryption key.