Well it goes both ways. Notification center is a prime example of Apple taking one of the more popular features directly from Android (and was probably not original there either).
Well it goes both ways. Notification center is a prime example of Apple taking one of the more popular features directly from Android (and was probably not original there either).
oh god. youre going to get the apple fanboys riled up about how windows ripped off apple by adding a GUI.
MOVED ON!?! But look how much it dug into apple's profits. No wonder they're bankrupt.
I wasn't even commenting on the authenticity of the Samsung thing. I was commenting on you bringing music players into the argument somehow. Apple announced iPhone in Jan 07, F700 was announced in Feb 07. Apple wins. But calling someone out about the F700 being a music player isn't exactly smooth arguing.
You realize the F700 was a phone right (see the bottom left corner)? Music player is the name of the highlighted app.
You mean black square with multiple buttons across the bottom and speaker at the top.
The fact is they didnt have capacitive touch screens before the iphone and needed extra physical input. Now they dont.
They have to deal with the loud obnoxious physical conversations anyway dont they?
Which once again, the phone isn't the issue. the conversation is. A person talking about their date loudly to the person physically present would be annoying too. A person quietly talking on their phone to someone about the art (maybe they wanted a friend to google something about the artist for them) shouldnt be…
At the Met, I'd assume ANY conversation is inappropriate. The issue isn't the phone.
The real issue with cell phones is that most people are assholes (to people around them) while on the phone. Complete disregard for other people.
apparently railworks trainsimulator being so cheap on steam sales lead terrorists to use it as a training simulator.
I keep thinking of ideal situations to disable pattern lock. I have pattern lock enabled to protect myself from thieves stealing the phone, not people I know. It's an actual security feature... I could see disabling it at home/work, since a thief is not as likely to be at those places. But disabling it when connected…
Minor drawback... I don't set a lot of appointments in my calendar. Many are assigned by others in exchange and I doubt they are going to put [s] or *$* in the title for me.
Dude was shaking like crazy. Must've been his first time.
Archival was one of my favorite things on gmail. So my "welcome to gmail" was my oldest thing. 11/30/04. Followed immediately by messages from "thefacebook.com"
Agreed. we definitely went over waves/wave composition in digital signal processing classes without ever touching on music (though it was implied in places, such as being able to strip out instruments in an orchestra).
But it will be a "phone feature" of every phone going forward.
Agreed. I've done that too. Majority of android users are not technically capable though, so ROMs/rooting is out of the question. They are using cheap or old phones anyway. Cheap/old phones don't get all the fancy new features. Same thing happens to iOS. if you are DESPERATE for iOS but can't afford a 4S, you get a…
Not trying to start a flame war: But the vast majority of people using iOS can't use siri. When iOS 4 came out, the vast majority of people couldn't use multitasking or backgrounds. The point is, once you have a phone thats getting old, it doesn't get new features. It happens to apple too. "OS" release aside, older…