
I keep reading this things and I go "maybe I should just get a macbook air" and then I remember there's something about 1440x900 that I feel uncomfortable with. Makes one of the new asus zenbooks look tempting. But I'm just not sure.

I think if it is a pull a book style shelf it has to recess into the wall, and slide while shaking dust off all the stones in the building.

Indeed. The price in £ on the sign was the giveaway.

if you click the + next to it, it says.

I'd say "if you have insurance this doesn't affect you" is pretty off. This is going to make some pretty drastic changes in the insurance industry. Either it fixes things and makes it a lot more efficient -> lower rates. Or it breaks things (or simply upsets insurance companies) -> raises rates.

the entire android ecosystem would be better off if stock AOSP, or even AOKP, MIUI, or CyanogenMod came as the stock rom. Unified everywhere. It's made my life easier, but I dont want my grandma messing around in bootloaders though. and i dont want to have to be the immediate go to for when crap breaks.

They get the "iOS update" but they don't get the same update. It might have the same label but there are a LOT of stripped out features. I had an iphone 3g, when iOS 4 came out, i didnt get wallpapers or multitasking and it completely thrashed the speed. However I downgraded to iOS 3, and used jailbreak

Rooting aside. 2.3 -> 4.0 was a huge rework of the entire core android system. Changing drivers to make 4.0 compatible with a phone is no easy task. However, 4.0 -> 4.1 does not change the core of the OS nearly as much. Meaning if a device has 4.0, 4.1 comes (mostly) naturally. Kinda like the 2.0, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3

My "including the businessmen" point was that every person I know who has a blackberry also has another phone (or in the case of my boss, he has a BB, iphone and android). Their blackberry is for business only.

blackberry is at 12%, including all the businessmen who just have one for work. windows mobile and windows phone 7 combined at 6%. "all other" at 2%. By hitting 2 major things they can account for 80%. thats a pretty good roi. Now theyd have to put as much work into finding the info for bb and wp7 (maybe more, because

What tip here is iOS or Android specific?

Abstracting data is actually the future of computer science. It's how API's work. Give me info A, I'll return info B. Should work for almost any info A.

It doesn't sacrifice stealth completely. it "reduces" stealth. It might not help you "sneak" in anywhere undetected because you will occasionally show up on radar. but it makes it a lot harder for missiles to gain a solid lock on you

I'm pretty sure this sums it up. If we smothered all babies with the balding gene at birth, in a few years time, we wouldn't have to smother babies because there would be no more balding genes in the wild. (not suggesting we do this)

Depends what device you are talking about. "Default" is quite vague. Pretty sure sense has its own browser, touchwiz probably has one, and I'm pretty sure the default cyanogen browser isnt 100% AOSP.

"Because the new Dolphin Browser is in beta, it's not yet available in the Google Play Store. "

I started making a hardcore character when my buddies werent online. Now we're paving our way through inferno. The number of ways to get suddenly one shot insta-gibbed... It just hurts my feelings. Ive since given up on my hardcore character. It's just too depressing when I think about how I'll never make any progress

Hell mode starts getting pretty rough at the end if you aren't up to level 60 yet. Unlocking hell wasn't supposed to be easy. If much more than that had already unlocked it, it would be disappointing for othe reasons.