
It’s possible he isn’t in solitary. He’s posting to IG, and it’s hard to believe that they won’t let him talk to anyone but they left him all his electronics. That could be his lawyer running his IG, bu:

“Looking for an ass whooping” is an African-American legal concept. Countries that are 3% African, 0.3% American, and 0.000therehastobeoneguyokprobably4guys% African-American are not morally required to recognize this legal concept. Some European countries have something similar in their law books (the Germans let the

She 61. He’s 71,

In New York you need two Doctors, or the hospital director.

With situations like this “can’t” is generally not the problem. The problem is “won’t.” He’s a grown man, and he is allowed to refuse treatment.

In ValleySpeak “Disruptive” refers to tech that upends an industry. The nice way to put it is that the technologist gets rich from selling a new and innovative product. The less-nice-way is that a couple hundred high-paid Silicon Valley engineers just replaced tens of thousands of working class people with plastic.

Don’t be ridiculous. He’s almost as old as Bernie. Sometime in the next 20 years he’ll die and Brandon Sandersen will get the contract to finish the series.

My car was $21k four years ago, so at some point the depreciation stops being a factor. In my most expensive year with any car, I never went over 5500ish (by memory 2300 ins, 1200 gas, 400 tires, 750 brakes, 200 broken windshield,whatever depreciation there would be on a 10 years old 2004 Camry in 2013).

Did I say our record wasn’t terrible?

That’s the problem with the statement. Japan is not, and has never been Caucasian, by any definition of the term.

The closest thing we’ve had to a major military power with a positive human rights record is the US.

When I had to cash out a small IRA I had (I had an emergency situation), the tax forms reporting that got sent to the IRS. Capital gains might be an issue, but why not just make it part of the reporting process as well? If not, if you had capital gains, then that would be a great example of where you could ‘correct’

Are calculated and deducted by the firms that manage investments or retirement fund. Some investments and retirement funds have tax free allowances, which the management firms are familiar with, so they are best placed to correctly calculate the tax due. It is all built into their and gets done automatically

Outside of the US, it’s normal not to have to file a tax return, because it’s all done for you. It’s only really the self-employed people who have to deal with filing returns. For the average salaried employee, the government gives you a tax code each year (your tax free allowance), which is used by your employer to

Pretty much. No one in the U.S. government is gonna get themselves worked up over having him extradited back to Anguilla if he skips his upcoming court appearance.

The burden of proof is 51-49. You have to prove it was “more likely than not” you got injured by the defendant. The only evidence we know for sure will be presented is the testimony of Tennant and Walton, altho if she told somebody about the alleged assault back when it happened that will be relevant.

Any idea of the cost of this jeep in parts and labor? 

You’re still assuming that 1) the word has never been used on the field previously, since there have been no suspensions and 2) MLB will consistently enforce this moving forward. Right now all we know is that one person has been suspended for using it, and they happen to be black. I don’t disagree on a blanket policy

No it doesn’t. Nothing makes you sound like an unintelligent shitheaded cunt except being an unintelligent shitheaded cunt. Black people don’t need to conform to your language standards to be approved as “intelligent.” Or was Nipsey Hussle an unintelligent shitheaded cunt.

Including the author. Who can forget I’m Not With Her Because I’m Petty. What a way to eat the propaganda for breakfast. Tell us more about superpredators Harriot.