
According to the article he originally got a diversity visa. Those are assigned, essentially at random, to countries that have not had much recent immigration to the US. They are one of the few ways for somebody without a very good education to get legal permission to move here.

Traveling from Detroit by Train is not a thing smart people do. It’s not quite as bad as taking a Nissan Leaf on a 300 mile-off-road trip but it’s pretty damn close. You’re not in ACELA territory, so everything is at the minimum required for the local Congressman to say he has rail service.

Could be a lot of reasons. They may not have reported the incident to the PR authorities, or they did and the PR authorities decided the evidence was weak and so didn’t charge, or the PR cops are raring to charge these guys but have no idea how to find them...


Did they control for social class? If they didn’t their data is junk because social class is highly correlated with death in the US, and soda consumption is also correlated with social class. Nobody on the grant committee, the research team, or the media is going to question that because all three groups come from the

And the video’s down....

His first name is “Holden.” He’s not only white, he’s extremely white:

Post-ObamaCare health insurers can’t use pre-existing conditions like Diabetes risk to deny you coverage or increase your payment. The only thing they can use is age. Part of the GOP implosion on that ObamaCare repeal is that conservative ideology leads them to conclude Rating by things besides age is a good idea, but

He’d get cussed out in both the Langue d’oi and the Langue d’oc...

France is a Republic, and has no aristocratic titles. But a few of the people who would have inherited these titles were they still official, still cling to them out of... I don’t know what. So that’s what this is, for what it’s worth.


Particularly since in Ohio the minimum is $8.55. Everyone should be making more then the Federal minimum wage.

Thew best analysis I’ve seen was on a tech forum (ArsTechnica or Slashdot, don’t remember which). The summary is that McDonald’s was being more then a bit dickish about it’s trademark, which pissed off the judges, and so when they forgot to enter any direct evidence that they actually used the name Big Mac the Court

There’s a whole set of cultural things that have guilt up around the Pats dynasty that are so hard to explain to anyone else. They involve damn near everything, and mostly relate to the two people who have actually been there for the Pats whole run Belichick and Brady,

This is what I don’t get. Every time Jalopnik commenters tell me “They’re making what the market demands!” I just wonder if they’re forgetting fifteen years ago. We went through this exact same thing. Americans bought stupid, giant SUVs when gas was cheap, gas prices spiked massively, everyone was fucked. And now

I just noticed she’s described as being in an “FBI detention facility.” The FBI does not have a large system of detention facilities. They send people to the Bureau of Prisons, which is not part of the FBI.

This does not add up.

It’s so interesting how badly things can go when someone uses a different definition of race then America does, and isn’t smart enough to just link to the bloody wiki page to explain what they meant. So I’ll start with that link, and then the explanation:

She is personally immune to lawsuits, but her office (the DA of Tarant County) can be sued. That means if she fucks up, and loses a million-dollar suit the County pays not her.

Technically they could just shoot him. They’re a sovereign country, and that’s what sovereign means. But they won’t because they offered him Diplomatic Asylum. Shooting people after you’ve offered them asylum is not the done thing.