Nick Hodgson

Which Jason Torchinsky is the most Toyota Celica? A Tarvish for the price of a new Civic.

Which Patrick George is the most Patrick George? The correct answer is Raphael Orlove.

Citroen U55 Cityrama Currus...........

This Citroën is so Citroën, it’s shaped like their logo!

A BX on fire, as most of them in Paris seem to be at any given time. Could this be the most Citroën?

I originally read this as she survived but also killed her husband. O.o

Ambitious, but rubbish.

Yea pretty sure that’s a Lambo dude.

Psh. Whatever.

Not sure, but this should help.

I’d totally love to buy a new wagon BUT OH WAIT THERE ARE HARDLY ANY SOLD HERE and no I don’t count most crossovers. Don’t even start with that I am so done with it.

I feel like there aren’t enough opportunities in 2015 to reference the Icy Hot Stuntaz.

Cause I found one with half the miles! But I rec any Tacoma.

1976 Dodge Power Wagon. 440 on gas/propane, 727 automatic, 4” lift, 17” wheels, 35” tires. $8500.

This is a Lincoln Blackwood and it’s a Lincoln Navigator missing part of the trunk area. And it is the beginning of what the pickup truck has become. This is the predecessor to the eco-boosted 6-cylindered leather lined Platinum trim F-150’s that Ford unloads on every white-collared schmuck looking to

There is absolutely no reason in the world to put this much power into a pickup truck.

I can’t begin to count the number of times I’ve heard this, from men and women, young and old: “I’m not into cars, but I love Top Gear.” If it didn’t serve as a gateway drug for cars, it at least helped the normals understand us enthusiasts a little bit.