Nick Barlow

I'm still sure Ella isn't all she appears (Azraella?) The 'lotta darkness' line makes me wonder just what her secret is.

Boxing Helena. It was a 'can it really be as bad as the reviews say?' expedition to which the answer turned out to be 'yes'. There were quite a few people on a similar quest, and I recall the room bursting into laughter at the supposedly key dramatic car accident scene.

Was there a different version in the US and UK (Amazon)? Because ours definitely had a scene with Lagertha.

I think the show is sticking quite close to Dick's thoughts and style. Remember that he stopped writing a sequel to TMITHC because he found it too hard to get his head into that mindset again - and the series gives us a climax where we're relieved Heinrich Himmler is leading a coup. He also tended to create main

Given their pedigree, I think they 'borrowed' it from The Sea Devils in 70s Doctor Who, as that featured the Master hypnotising the jailers to do his bidding. Unfortunately, they forgot to ask 'does near-instantaneous magic mind control exist in the real world?' before stealing that bit as well.

This whole series 4 has been spinning its wheels a lot. It feels like they really don't know what to do now and they're a bit reluctant to get onto the whole Great Heathen Army vs Alfred The Great thing having watched The Last Kingdom do it all. Did like Rollo and Gisla meeting again, though, especially the

I say Shatner. If he can be The Big Giant Head, a human deity is no problem.

My theory would be - and I've seen something similar elsewhere on this thread, so I'm not alone - is that she's either hiding or been hidden in human form so their conventional ways of spotting each other don't work. Possibly Dad's sent her down as a potential ally for Lucifer when Mum tries something? He knows that

Ok, crazy theory time: what if we've already seen Azrael, and it's Ella? They've made a point out of the Angel of Death being female, she's very comfortable with death, and this week she talked about having a good relationship with God. What if she's been sent down, perhaps not knowing who she is, as part of some

A Dong Of Ice And Fire?