Nick Antz

It almost feels like Zedd is in the costume (mostly because of the glow in the Visor, him sitting in a very Zedd-like throne, etc.) Maybe in this universe, Zedd was the original white ranger and the powers were based on a white, tigerish looking dragon instead of a normal tiger?


They’re going to show us that Zedd is

Given the “they wanted to tie her origins in with the team” quote I’m calling Rita as the original Green Ranger who betrayed the team (led by Zordon as Red), killing all but Zordon and leaving him in his tube.

I mean, come on, that outfit just screams evil Dragonzord.

I loved this design because it’s so utilitarian and not at all human.

Like, we labor under this impression that robots need to look and move like us, but we’re so impractical! There’s got to be a million different ways you can shape a being that’d make it more mobile and adaptable than these meat bags we’re stuck in.

Were Morgan and Carol in that library Neegan’s men mentioned? (The one their hanging victim came from?) I saw a sign for “non-fiction” and there seemed to be a pile of bodies in one of the outdoor shots.

I really liked that they gave the Anakin Skywalker voice actor that final, “Then you will DIE!” line, because it’s so easy to forget who’s in the armor when you hear Darth Vader’s smooth, James Earl Jones voice.

(I should note I do work at a FIAT-Chrysler dealer before saying this but...)

As a long time Ranger fan, I really enjoyed it. Too short, but i’m hoping that’s just because it was an Issue 0.

Darth Maul is also still kicking around at this point, could make for a good antagonist and give the character the time he deserved to have in the prequels.

Mechanical bodies want to evolve, too.

I like to think of the three movies not as the whole story, just the three most prominent experiences those core characters experienced during the height of their generation. The fight wasn’t over, but those were the three pivotal moments anyone alive at the time in that galaxy would remember, and therefore they were

I don’t get how everyone is saying, “He must be alive because the death is valueless!”

Well a lot of people think Ren is a Solo child gone wrong, perhaps he’s collecting his Grandfather’s memorabilia?

That is the ultimate end-of-the-world ride. I’d like ten.

There’s like a 99% chance of most of that happening, probably as a retool of Metroplex but art shown at Botcon points to a new Max with double-headmaster gimmick intact.

Well supposedly he went off with Wildling chick to be trained by the Karstarks, but given the troubles they had with Rob who knows?

You think this one looks good? Check out the Japanese version of the figure. More paint, individual weapons for the team based on their G1 toys, and improved articulation on several of the figures. The SDCC version looks sweet but one can’t help but feel a little cheated.

This was definitely something none of us Transformers fans were expecting. That said, I’m beyond psyched. Pompous attitudes are stronger when combined.

Why did we eat Gary, really?

I’ll miss my first body.

The computer learned. We did not.