
Can everyone just take a second, look at your drivers licence photos and then tell me the cast is supposed to look anything but bland in these?

Oh good. Another new trailer. Showing me everything but telling me nothing.

Now you're just lashing out. It's beneath you.

To be fair you never said 'You're an idiot' at any point during our exchange, so there was never a chance for me to not get the point of 'You're an idiot'. But anyway, I thank you for this thoughtful and enlightening exchange of ideas. How we got here from my original post about how I just don't like the way Abrams'

What part of 'Don't be a cock' and 'eat a dick' are you not getting?

I agree to a point but we've seen actionable plans by private corps in the last year that didn't have sci-fi budgets attached.

Oh, don't be a cock. There are too many god damn trailers explaining nothing but showing everything. When you infer that I don't realize your point you don't see that you also missed mine. Eat a dick. "Wooosh" Really? "Wooosh".

It's kind of mind blowing that there isn't a rush by private industry to be the first to do this. I know about the start ups last year saying this was their goal. All the money spent on lobbying to fuck up our environment alone would probably be enough to initially fund the R and D required to make it feasible I just

Gee. Thanks. If you take a close look at the saucer section of that Constellation-class, Federation starship which is on fire and losing orbit above the Earth, you'll see between hull breeches the word 'Enterprise' and part of the designation 'NCC-1701'. Also both trailers have cut the footage in such a way that a

Wait. This is what annoys me about JJ's trailers. We've seen the Enterprise, on fire and losing orbit. In two trailers now. The next shot both times was of a ship that pretty much looks like the Enterprise crashing down in the bay and then through San Fran. They've been so vague about Cumberbatch but I've seen the

'I' only say this because it's true. 'I' have only ever been a proponent of science or fact based governance. You make it sound like I have a bunker full of guns and an enemies list. All I want is to see more people educated and given the tools necessary to make informed choices. That is not what happens today. I

Atheism has always been less about the individual being discriminated against and more about religion being a hindrance to all humanity. Holding back science and social policy. We're watching the damage that organized religion is having every day. Stem cell research in the US is, conservatively, what, a decade behind

Good work Marvel. I'm always hopeful when someone in a postition of power in the entertainment industry can ever be quoted as saying "We did that before. We don't want to do it again." Excuse me while I watch the Superbowl trailer for the 50th time.

It would be cartoonish to see him carrying a pile of humanity. So, he's going to round them all up, have them link arms and then try and slow down their decent enough that they can hit the water safely.

And what did you create today?

John Hodgeman was just talking about this on WTF with Marc Maron last week.

We learned on them in radio school back in 2003. Also...reel to reel tape decks. In 2003. Our production teacher was insane by the way.

I've said it before and I'll say it again. Superman is at his best in the animated universe. I've been showing my nephew the 90's series and it really got the character right and for that matter his relationship to Lex Luthor right. And the line in the Justice League to Darkseid about always having to hold back out

Sorry, it was a glib statement. Allow me to elaborate/rant. When I say create, I mean anything. Did you write a journal? Did you write a song? Did you create something? Anything? Did you share it? When it comes to big stuff (books, movies, TV) these are products as much as they're art. Critisism is welcome in this