
"It sucked." "Oh, really? What did you create today?"

Good. Don't let the sliding doors pinch your ass on the way out.

I think a lot of Democrats voted for him because he's a Democrat. Also post-primary Romney didn't stand a chance. Pre-primary Romney would have had a shot...but he had to wade into the insanity that was the Republican party this past election. You can't come out of that without being covered in bullshit. "She

I had that attitude in every job until I turned 30. This isn't a slam against you...but they'll find a way to get by if you leave. If you don't want to be there, truly, get out. Just make sure the people you think it will impact know how you feel and you should be able to laugh about the hole thing later over beers.

Oh fucking thank you. You're great.

There are four lights.

Shameless plug. My band THWOMP does a really killer FFVII set.

Shameless plug. My band THWOMP does a really killer FFVII set.

You are incorrect. That is all.

Only a Sith deals in absolutes.

Only a Sith deals in absolutes.

Only a Sith deals in absolutes.

Only a Sith deals in absolutes.

Hey, internet douche canoes. You'll notice the headline reads "How Star Trek: Deep Space Nine HELPED to Invent..." There's also lines like, "HELPED to give us a lot of the things we take most for granted on science fiction and fantasy television today." It's also important to note what Charlie didn't write was "How

You make it sound like they had an option to film Man of Steel but opted to save a few hundred million dollars. I think you may be missing a point.

You know there's a worldwide box office where John Carter actually was profitable...right?

That was shallow and pedantic. Most of those were very explainable and acceptable at worst.

As a white male I recognize our inheirent terribleness.

Harvey's got this.

Dear robot haters,