
It's more than one city. Perhaps it's all the cities on the...'Pacific Rim'? I would think building a large robot capable of handling a monster one on one without resorting to a scorched earth policy would be more desireable and logical.

Here's my greedy vision. Man of Steel, General Zod. Man of Steel 2, Lex Luthor (played by Jon Hamm) and Brainiac. Man of Steel 3, Doomsday. Who's with me?

10 motherfucking seasons and all they showed was some bad cgi and Welling...barely in the actual costume. I was glad I punched out at season 4. This on the other hand has promise. So long as Superman doesn't overcome 500 million tons of his only weekness by sheer force of will...we'll be ok.

Oh, you're entitled to your opinion. It's your facts I'm taking you to task on. It was a successful run critically and financially. So you didn't like them, well too bad for you. your life must be full of unicorns and candy. What a sunny disposition.

I saw it on Sunday and it wasn't bad at all. It was super fun.

I don't think the maps thing has been overblown when you consider this. If Steve Jobs were still alive there would be heads on spikes lining the roof at Apple HQ had someone attempted to launch a product with such a glaring deficiency. Well...maybe Steve would have had the programmer sent up to the Wall and taken the

Now playing

It's a shame there's no sound. I fixed it. Open another window and play Uprising by Muse. God dammit if that doesn't make a case for Muse scoring a whole sci-fi movie. In fact can someone remake Flash Gordon just so I can get that soundtrack. They've basically morphed into Queen anyway.

So this years 'Tree of Life'?

Holy shit. That little bitch Squeak is in Galaxy Quest. He's such a little bitch.

Nope. Not always. Not even close. I bartended for a lot of years, turns out if someone is being a douchebag, I didn't have to take it.

If Man of Steel is good, the worst anyone can say is the suit is as dumb as Bale's bat-voice. If the whole thing is a flaming pile of kryptonite, then we can bury it in that thing.

+1 for two Arrested Development references.

Holy Shit. He literally only says that Bane is the villain in the Dark Knight Rises. That's it. You need your mother to warm you up a Hot Pocket and fasten the chin strap on your helmet. Wow.

Caesars or GTFO. Love Canada.

Ha...haha...hahahaha. Well done. You win at life.

Yeah, 3 of these. Then 3 Next Gen reboots. You keep going for about 40 years until the Enterprise reboot complete with a Skrillex/dubstep cover of "Faith of the Heart", we all facepalm and the cycle begins anew.

Does KFT-Rex have the same ring to it?

Does that mean T-Rex's taste like chicken?

I know...darker before the light and all that, but women once weren't allowed to vote. I'm sure it'll happen for the LGBT community. Mittington, Santorum and their ilk are on the wrong side of history on this one. 30 years from now I hope people get to ask them why they were so wrong.