
Hey troll. Once again you miss the point. It's 2012. This should not be a news item. Homophobes are losing this war. If you rolled the calendar back 50 years...these same people would be saying how inter-racial marriage would ruin society. This kind of shit is by definition...hateful. It breeds ignorance and

Please, kindly go away.

Wah, someone did a story about something pointless, wah. Get the sand out of your vaginas.

I find your lack of Muse disturbing.

I did yell "FUCK YES UNICORN!" Then hi-five'd my buddy. I guarantee you you could put an infinite number of monkeys in front of an infinite amount of typewriters and not have that pop out.

Did anyone else re imagine the movie in their head where the Unicorn was unlocked? Cause I did and it was glorious.

Hey! No incest spoilers...I'm also reading along.

I bet Theon could do without another season of brother/sister awkwardness.

Whew. Those FoxConn slav...employees must be tired. I can't disagree with you enough here. There definitely comes a tipping point on the "killing your own people" scale where getting killed yourself is a viable option. al-Assad is a butcher, and there's only one way it should end for a butcher.

Indeed, sir. Well trolled.

Whoa...whoa...stop it everyone. Stop having fun or imagining having any sort of fun whatsoever. There are inaccuracy's and an improper use of a trademarked brand. Clearly we have to shut this down.

Are you out of your god damned mind?

You just didn't realize Geonosis was Mars.

No, really. What movie is it from?

Pardon? Ocarina isn't what now? You see the door over there? Get the fuck out.

I feel like this is your fault somehow. I'm not sure exactly how. Try harder.

I don't want to be human! I want to see gamma rays! I want to hear X-rays! And I want to - I want to smell dark matter! Do you see the absurdity of what I am? I can't even express these things properly because I have to - I have to conceptualize complex ideas in this stupid limiting spoken language! But I know I want

Well then, I will because I've owned an Apple every year for the last 9. I just got a Samsung Galaxy S2 and couldn't be happier. Would you like to know what it actually comes down to? You buy an Apple product and its "Thanks for buying Apple! You'll use this product how we see fit. Suck our dicks, we're Apple." Where

Here's a bit of fan fic based on what is written here.