
I think the animation looks great. Very clean and simple. It feels like it was a choice and not a budget constraint.

In that headline, you forgot senile.

"relatively little-known theory." Ahhhh...I see what you did there.

How many boxes of VHS tapes would this "movie" have gone through? That's actually the problem I have with this particular sequel. I mean all the other shit is ridiculous...but this is my main stumbling block.

A Coulson TV show would be much more interesting. A weekly episodic of him travelling around cleaning up super hero messes. All the while working a larger arc that works into the plot of a Marvel movie. It would be full of third tier characters, but reference and include little easter eggs of all the big hero's.

Fuck it. Let him do a half hour workplace comedy that happens to be on a Federation star ship. People are already pissy about the timeline being destroyed anyway. Also American Dad has surpassed Family Guy. Whoever gives Patrick Stewart steady work is a good guy in my book.

Dammit Rodney.

If you were to look at my Google+ feed you would probably ask the question "Why did Wil Wheaton and Felicia Day build a social network to exclusively share articles and pictures with this guy."

That sound you heard was my nerd boner hitting the bottom of my desk.

No, I would prefer the extra RAM. I have a 3G iPhone and ever since OS4 came out my phone runs slow/can't multi-task If I had an iPhone 4 I'd be worried about OS5 slowing down my being able to use the phone. My contract is finally up next April but I've been waiting for this day for a full year already. It's hard

I have no memory of thinking Privateer 2 was shitty. I remember the physics being really good. I remember taking my fighter up against larger cruisers and flying in between them like in scenes out of Star Wars. I remember being pleasantly surprised when I saw Clive Owen in something years later and being all like


Iron Man 2 wasn't the war crime people make it out to be. Its okay to like it.

The Isis Trilogy and Devil on my Back helped shape me into the sci-fi nerd I am today.

Brian, don't fucking change a fucking thing about the fucking headline to this fucking article. Fuck.

Josh Shannon needs to die or smarten the fuck up. I'm super tired of the '17 year old I hate my dad cause he did something COMPLETELY UNDERSTANDABLE TO EVERYONE BUT ME' routine. Other than that I'd say a bit uneven, the SFX were TV quality and at least they aren't making everything a painfully drawn out mystery.

The sat phones alone sound heavy.

I lol'd. You magnificent bastard.

Follow up question. What is the force at work that propels a neutrino? What pushed it faster than the speed of light?

All bits and pieces to the larger problem of how to travel faster than light. This is very exciting.