
I almost wish Enterprise had gone with some Porthos storylines. Cause then I could dislike it for that and not the general sense of meh that I always had with it. And that god damned theme song. That thing haunts my fucking dreams.

Hold your fire? What? Are we paying by the laser now?

If this is true it's the only evolutionary advantage I hold over women then.

Apparently you haven't seen the reviews and subsequent box office returns for Bucky Larson?

Had he promoted his drawings in the first line of an iPhone5 post, yes douchey. In a post about a drawing... seems kind of ok. Yes the internet will allow it.

A questioning involves a series of questions. Whereas a 'What the fuck did you think you were doing?' is just one question and is usually followed by physical violence.

Should be less of a questioning and more of a what the fuck did you think you were doing.

Combine it with a Makerbot and boom...that shit just happened.

Poloxamer 407. Apply directly to the blood vessel. Poloxamer 407. Apply directly to the blood vessel... The advertising writes itself!

I thought for a second they had found the Earth's vagina...a fissure you say?

I believe this is all part of George's master plan. After 12 more box sets all featuring further additions and re-imagined scenes with CGI replacements, he will then release the original unaltered films, and we'll all buy them to rid ourselves of these re-god-damned-diculous "updates". Genius really.

All excellent bands. May I also toss in for your consideration, 'And So I Watch You From Afar' and the song Set Guitars to Kill. Definitely a harder edge, but still instrumental and great.

...But...Don Cheadle. The hell man. Cheadle turns you into a tree with his dick...your argument is invalid.

I would really like to play X-Com Apocalypse again. Also while they're at it, Privateer 2 would be great. Kthxbai.

Hey Aly, I'm just going to leave this right here...

I'm downloading the shit out of this right now.

Powdered steel and aluminium...dear god man put on a breathing mask.

Can someone just put Privateer 2 on Steam...please?

And now your Thor is diamonds. I'm on a horse.