
Memories are strange things. The dictionary defines them as: the mental capacity or faculty of retaining and reviving facts, events, impressions, etc., or of recalling or recognizing previous experiences; A mental impression retained; a recollection: one’s earliest memories. The emphasis on “one’s earliest memories”

This story belongs to my dad, but I was present for it- albeit in my mom’s belly. My dad worked transporting buses across the country and taking odd jobs for a big part of his twenties, and by the time he married my mom, he’d experienced more strange happenings than the average person. But this story happened in his

When I was 12, every night for close to two months someone would knock on my bedroom window. It was usually after 11 p.m. and before 2 a.m. and, at the beginning, would wake me from a dead sleep to where I thought I was dreaming. A few times I even heard the knocking in my dreams and then woke up and the knocking was

Back when I was on dating apps, I match with this guy and he’s really cute. He had a shirtless mirror selfie as his profile pic which was usually a hard pass for me, but he seemed sweet/nerdy so I talked to him. He tells me how he’s really worked on his body because he was a nerd and really awkward with women.

Wait, how is wanting to use a condom to prevent HIV transmission a negative thing? Obviously, PrEP prevents transmission to someone HIV negative and ART prevents transmission from someone HIV positive (depending on the individual’s regimen and viral loads etc.), but I can’t see why someone bemoaning a lack of condom

Other WTF parenting casting:

I’ve spotted another Sarah Marshall fan!

I was just listening to a podcast about this movie today. I need to rewatch it, it’s really such a gem.

But wasn’t the thing about that movie that people stopped aging at 25? So she was 50 but was supposed to look 25.

Oh yeah I think the reunion is going to include at least one big surprise attendee, most likely Jackie but it could be Van too.

Oh, Grown-up Van is DEFINITELY Julia Styles. 

That was also my initial reaction to the teddy bear combusting, that it seemed magical and intentional. But of course there could be more practical explanations

A whole of journalist’s are shi**y, & lacking ethics & morals.

Even if you are right, that might partly be because she has been treated like a child for decades.

She’s lived in a bubble sine she was a teenager. She never had anything close to appropriate social interactions throughout most of her life. And she’s directing her anger at real people who caused her real harm. Cut the gal some slack.

That’s why I think rich and/or famous people need one “regular” friend. The one that can show them how to do regular things. That friend should also be trusted enough that when they tell the rich person “that’s a stupid idea and you may want to rethink it”, the rich person listens.

Even 22 years ago, I knew Britney was a pre-packaged popstar put together by a team of leeches who saw her as a piggy bank.

I’m annoyed for Anna Marie on behalf of Jewish women everywhere. 

Yes, let’s expose the inherent sexism in the legal system by discussing how sanitized terms downplay underlying horrific conduct.

I’m sure most black people already know this, but I’m gonna say it out loud just for the record: