I know Jersey Mike’s, I served with Jersey Mike’s, and you Sir, are no Jersey Mike’s.
I know Jersey Mike’s, I served with Jersey Mike’s, and you Sir, are no Jersey Mike’s.
You’ve put way more thought into any of this than Filoni did. I applaud you for taking the time to write all that, and I’m glad that you seem to have enjoyed the show a lot more than me.
Remember when Ahsoka and Sabine killed a guy who had a lightsaber and then just turned to dust? And they all reacted like it was a new thing but nobody ever talked about it again? Was everything that happened on this show just a dream?
At least have fun with the spelling ...
Next time, baby.
Just give Yahya Abdul-Mateen the damn role and call it a day. Someone else can play Wonder Man if that actually ends up getting made.
Good lord. You want everything spoon fed to you immediately don’t you? How dare they talk about or show something without telling you everything about it
Yeah this guy certifiably sucks at reviewing this series.
You got way too mad about the “Far Far Away” thing.
Cops aren’t going to just give you a citation and send you on your way for driving around without a license in an unregistered vehicle no matter your “citizenship” status.
If you are going to have a gun on your hip during a traffic stop, don’t then also be aggressive to the cops. He didn’t get killed just for having a gun. You also might have missed that the gun was on the floorboard, out of its holster, meaning he either unholstered his gun or had a loose gun available during the stop.…
The martial arts metaphor is incredibly apt here. Anyone can theoretically fight or try to throw a punch. most will be terrible at it especially if they’ve never done it before, and prob will never be able to knock someone out if they tried. But they can still try to throw a punch if they want. or a choke, or a…
probably because they made star wars movies.
The shows in 07 were not considered to be in violation of strike rules by the WGA because there was a loophole exempting talk show writing. Those shows coming back to work were not considered scabbing because they were not breaking the rules that existed at the time.
Ezra + Kanan combined vs an Inquisitor is usually shown to be tough for them to handle. When Vader comes for them he was seconds away from murdering them both without breaking a sweat when a pair of mechs get dropped on his head as a temporary distraction. Ahsoka easily solos a pair of Inquisitors and slices a hole in…
To be fair, Ahsoka is pretty close to the top of the heap. But Kanan is definitely mid.
Kindly go fuck yourself up a hot stovepipe
I suppose it is possible (probably not) that stars are more closely packed in that galaxy than in the Milky Way. But at the speed of light, the Millennium Falcon would have taken nearly 40 years to do the Kessel Run.