
Is the concept of men really worth defending?

Grab 'em by the overly sanctimonious write-up!

You have been perpetrating acts of racism for centuries?

Seconded. It's unclear. I thought it was saying she got paid 3 times MORE, because that's what my brain is used to seeing in that sentence structure. I only clicked because that was a surprise.

Trump's popularity is at 37%, Obama's is in the mid-50s. This classy, eloquent reflection coming the same day as the Trump Piss Leak could not be a more fitting contrast between these two men.

I also find it easy to believe that Google trends data could overestimate the searches for Scandal. The most Googled show is also a popular word for people to Google.

Style guide. "History of false or exaggerated claims" goes in last paragraph. "What does Olivia Wilde think?" is in lede or close to it.

I've defended her in the past.

He's really not, in that way. His fans and voters see him as a famous and successful for business acumen, not for movies or theater or having droll Woody Allen-style pieces in the New Yorker.

People say every single damn day that they get angry because of a Hollywood culture they don't understand and think is decadent and depraved.

A+ 13 conversations reference

Sorry cleek but the Clintonite grievance here boils down to complaining that it's harder to win when you have committed opposition. Welcome to politics. The weak heart of the Clinton campaign was always palpably frustrated that people outside Pantsuit Nation wouldn't accept that she was destined to be president. The

Wow, nah, bro.

lol you're a young queer American angry at the president who appointed judges to the USSC who ruled that you had a constitutional right to marry. Christ. Lawrence v Texas is only 13 years old. Were you out before then? Obergefell and Windsor are STAGGERING. I couldn't care less that Obama waited until 2012 to endorse

This is an excellent point. There are probably lots of people who may not even be solid conservatives who assumed incorrectly that wikileaks somehow obtained emails off her private server, related to the campaign, that she failed to share.

Thanks for clarifying. I don't use the term "snowflake" because it's abrasive. But criticizing "outrage culture" isn't an ad hominem; for one, it's not directed at a person. It's an actual development over the last four years or so that any slight can get a person called "the ultimate in evil whiteness" or whatever —

Not sure what you mean.

Bingo. I don't think people realize that outrage culture genuinely bewilders and unnerves a lot of bystanders.

Good Christ. I read the headline and knew somehow it would be some bullshit about how she's a racist for telling some relatively innocuous joke or story. Can we give this a rest please?

Eh. If you enjoy the whole movie, you're intrinsically gaining pleasure from a scene of simulated, degrading sex, which an actress was effectively coerced into filming. That's horrible and feeling good watching it is horrible. I've known about this situation for years and I've always hated it. It destroyed her career