
I miss the old version of this site very much. I guess longing for the past makes me a conservative.

People needed timely notice that comedy explores topical subjects and sometimes causes offense, and a listing of alternative jokes they could listen to instead.

Don't think you can ignore long slide from news as news to news as entertainment. The country always had right-wing freakshow elements in politics. But this is different. Trump is manifestly unqualified and won because he dominated media coverage, getting billions in free media and winning with a scare ground GOTV

Happy to disagree respectfully.

Trump is president. That's as "legitimate politician" as you can get. People should stop treating him like entertainment.

He's President Elect now. The comparison is with other presidents, not media personalities. Covering politicians like media personalities is how we got here in the first place.

Doesn't need to. It shouldn't cover politics as entertainment.

Harmful because Trump is now President, and his tweets about Hamilton and SNL matter far less than his nominees and policies. Trump is no longer entertainment news. But sites like this one will write Trump stories with an entertainment hook, creating an overall environment where people are talking about distractions

It doesn't need to become Reuters. But it's a well-known site that is pretty happy to run Trump entertainment stories because they get traffic.

The 8 most recent articles in the newswire include 3 about Trump, all from an entertainment angle. It's superficially easy to justify, but the thing is, writing so many Trump "entertainment" stories is harmful, even if it drives traffic. I don't remember a time, ever, when there were 3 stories about Obama active in


Never said the site was a news service. This article is in a part of the site called a news feed.

The NY Times mobile page this morning was all Trump. The top story was about him meeting with Romney. The next story was about Hamilton. Stories about Bannon, Sessions, and the lawsuit settlement were further down. That you know about those stories is irrelevant to the emphasis on and placement of this meaningless

This is not "news." It's Trump distracting the media from reporting actual news about his racist personnel appointments and his 25M payout to the people he ripped off.

This reviewer really hated the laughter and joy people felt at a comedy taping. That is weird, right? I mean, it is.

What? People don't have a right to talk during stand-up, or shout. They can be kicked out.

I think people who view Fey as unfunny are the ones with the strong feelings. Well, scratch that: people who view Fey as unfunny because they barely know who she is and haven't watched SNL in 30 years don't have strong feelings about her. People who used to laugh at 30 Rock but now find Kimmy Schmidt episodes

The way to Bob's Dylan heart is definitely to wish he'd do what America needs him to do.

Well, when you've lost Malcom Gladwell …

Coolio actually did get a little pissed off at Amish Paradise — but, you know, my memory is that Weird Al offered a reflective and sincere reply, Coolio accepted it, and people moved on.