
I realize my problem. I don't find it funny to make fun of men for being kind of ugly.

A little historical context.

You have to allow for the students who weren't paying close attention and the students who think maybe you're a conservative if you're to the right of the median college student in a polysci class.

Eight up-votes. lol.

Excellent work pushing back on complaints no one here has made, and which vanishingly few people will probably make in the comments here.

I don't have a problem with Kaep's protest, and I agree with you here. The echo-chamber quality has gotten so bad everywhere that people don't actually realize what it means to ask someone, "Do you actually have a problem with police brutality and racially motivated shootings of unarmed black men?"

Right? I mean, I know I'm two days late to the party, but did you really just get a Very Wise Lecture in how sometimes racists try not to *sound* racist?

That's … Not really how you reacted to people who, for example, showed up on Kesha threads to say she was making it up to get out of her contract.

Thank you. Good lord.

I choose to think they're making a joke or stretching to write copy instead of believing it actually made somebody unhappy to know that laughing to death gets played for laughs.

It is. But I mean, there were POC-lead fan viewing parties with release campaigns that are being canceled because the organizers don't want to contribute to the debut buzz of this movie. That's what I'm saying. Different audience, different standards.

I don't really think we're disagreeing. Sure a big chunk of Allen's audience is liberals. But are they millenial liberals and specifically people of color who view his movies through a social justice lense? Parker's in trouble because his core audience is widely convinced of his guilt and does not want to separate the

Why he was acquitted matters. In this case it's because the lawyer was able to use a variety of factors - including drinking and their prior consensual sex - to create reasonable doubt for the jury. But that doesn't mean observers, 16 years later, can't have good grounds to say he probably raped her. After all, she

The irony here is that when your movie is primarily targeted at a young, progressive audience, they will hold you to a high standard with regard to your personal conduct. But if your movies are targeted at older, more general or at least less progressive audiences, they will not typically take the same approach to

If the roles had been reversed, Barb would not have gone out into the woods with a gun and a strange man to hunt down the monster who killed her friend. How do I know this? Because Barb's character was easily intimidated and indecisive. And that's fine. But the reason Barb didn't do a lot, is that she was not intended

Well, it's relevant because it's good to know he apparently hasn't been terrorizing women in secret for 30 years, like Cosby? Is what I'm saying? It's nice that this isn't another case of Hollywood shielding a monster from accountability because he's charismatic and gets top billing.

I read your post before I typed mine. Again: I'm not saying Heard lied. Why would she?

No disagreement here. The veracity of her statements, physical and video evidence, etc., matter more than people speaking about his character/conduct in the past. But in a lot of the major media cases of the last few years (Cosby, Allen, Dr. Luke) either multiple people are making accusations or women in a position to

I tend to place a lot of weight on Depp's partners in his past saying very clearly and emphatically that he was not abusive. To me, that's more relevant than him being nice outside the context of a romantic relationship. He's in his 50s, and it seems like in his case there are no other women coming out and saying,

Margot Robbie deserves better than this.