
Feh. It's a grooming thing. People can shave. That they don't is why they're neckbeards.

Thank you!

The fallacy here is that you're talking about labor conditions when this article is about artistic choices and the nature of the work itself. Nobody should have to be sexually harassed at work, for example. But if your job involves taking a role that's inherently sexualized, well, that's your job, and it's not sexual

Bingo. I have no concept of what the hell this article is even discussing, and it doesn't really do much in the way of clarifying. The second sentence is that "this summer has been excruciating." I'm sorry, what? Was this woman, whose name I didn't know, in more than one movie this summer? How has it been

Problematic means, in this context, something a feminist would like to eliminate through graduate school seminar-level discussion of sex roles or power dynamics.

This is the best post.

I don't disagree. My point is that this case did go before a jury, which means that a judge neither dismissed it nor granted summary judgment, i.e., there were questions to put before a trier of fact. That makes me think it's less likely to be deemed frivolous and warrant an award of fees or costs to the winner, but

If the civil suit is frivolous, frankly, they shouldn't have to pay the costs of defending themselves. But that's a question for the judge, and I suppose I'm inclined to think that if it went before a jury rather than being dismissed or disposed of with a summary judgment, then a reasonable jury *could have* found

Lol. So Letterman's a half woke bae on the Rife scale?

It feels like it got canceled to some people because they invested the mere concept of "representation" with such power that it never bothered to occur to them that a show needs an audience, not a support group.

EXACTLY. The idea that SJWs are mythical is like conservatives pretending that nut job fundis are mythical.


Except everyone who uses it defines the times it's appropriate differently.

The people who talk like this have lost the ability to hear themselves. They don't understand that they come off as cliched at best and casually sexist at worst. It's revealing though that for some critics when a man and a woman have an argument and it's about the woman, the man is pretty much "mansplaining" no matter

"The judge appears to have taken exception with Kesha’s claims that the contract made her a “slave” to Sony, which she says has effectively ended her career by refusing to let her work with other producers. But because Sony recently offered her a chance to get out of the contract—the aforementioned apology quid pro

It's where Internet Society has landed: either you believe the accuser in every case, or you think it's all fake all the time and link constantly to redpill.

They're making an Andre the Giant biopic next year. Casting Michael Fassbender in stilts.


I'm digging this a lot. He's really just embracing his influences again in his dead-pan way. The closing song is Open All Night, which is a the title of a Springsteen song, and he name-checks Cohen's famous blue raincoat in the first few lines of the song, and then references Boys of Summer a few times. Lyrically,

Great catch. He's guilty of this on this solo album, though I like it a lot. Maybe I'm just saying this as a piano player, but I think he'd be helped by pairing up with a producer who's also a keyboardist for his next album. You can lay a lot of chords under a melody, but he has his grooves he's so used to.