
man, at this point i think there is only one thing that can make the TSA a better orginization . . . unionize.

@ChipT: by design.

this sounds like one giant metaphor for something, but i can't quite put my finger on it.

@Purdueable: hmmm, the trivial knowledge of hidden chimneys. Purdueable, are you really santa claus?

this story would have been believable with an old man, a town car, and a prune.

jason, if you tend to turn red when you drink then i suggest taking a pepcid ac 15 minutes before. and it must be pepcid ac and i recommend only the extra strength. also, don't eat before you drink or eat and drink. it makes it horrible. again, only if you turn red.

alright, i am gonna buy a four loko on the way home from work. should be a fun drive.

@Curves: i think next time i fly i will just select the grope and then proceed to say . . . "haaayyyy, i want the big brute with the pouty lips to come check my package." *limp wrist*

so there are pilots that are allowed to carry a sidearm on their person and they are still getting patted down? am i missing something here?

if the ritz was a little hotel run by asians then i would encourage you to sue them for $150 million dollars.

just find a /b/tard to x-ray the sheet.

@nad2244: he's an out of work republican — not a gutter trash democrat. sheesh.

i am tired of these migrant coyote workers. they are taking jobs away from Americans that need the work. the coyotes just roam around the country undocumented, paying no taxes, with their pups leeching off my tax dollars and the whole time Joe the Plumber is sitting at home on the couch watching Opera because he

sooo, worst case scenario:

@Nick: no ever suspects the beige

no joke — beige. as a kid i swear i got away with as much as i did because i drove a beige camry. heck, i even had officers pull right in front of me when i parked after a FWD burnout and then they just moved on.