
but heres the mistake. not to sound like this isnt an incredible feat, but couldnt they just place charges on all of these lines and data centers over an extended period of time and just light sh*t up w one phone call?

James Cameron just voted for himself 12 billion times. He wants to know if you guys think that was too obvious.

Have you heard what teenagers do on Skype these days? By all means — I say. #dirtyoldman

Of course I'm not happy! Look at me . . .

I, for one, think they should do this during regular broadcasts. The weather person, for example, could strategically place a storm in their midsection and describe rumbling thunder as they rub their belly. Perhaps that storm could produce some high winds as they turn to show their profile and a gust coming from

Wait for the ferry? pffffft. I would have waded the river. And I always shoot more bears than I can carry.


I can see Russia from here. Eh.

I am sure it isn't a huge safety issue, but I hate having crap block my blind spot. Stupid blind spot.

My old roommate bought a solid pair of audio technica noise-canceling headphones on a cyber monday. He snagged them for about $40 regular price around $100. When those are turned on they have amazing bass. The best I have ever heard on a set of headphones.

Kind of off topic. What were those speakers/monitors that producers love because they sound like crap? The ones that were going out of production and Giz did a story on a while back?

And I don't mean after shiny hit puberty. I mean after I hit puberty. I am not some pervert chasing pre-pubescent shiny or anything.

Just because he broke Myspace doesn't mean he has to break cyberspace. What an asshat.

Ok. I just read Sam Biddle's commentary on TacoBell's MLK day tweet and then saw this — "Astronomers Getting Ready to Take The First-Ever Photo of a Black". The formatting on my screen put the "hole" on the next line allll the way over to the left and it took me a second to find. I nearly sh#t myself laughing.

So the guy was more a Charlie Sheen than a Jesus type. Who the f#ck cares? Communism isn't a reason to crucify the man either. You know Ben Franklin is said to have had sex with little boys, but that doesn't mean he didn't do great things. Bad example. Anyway, a man's vices or political affiliation should not

Shut the heck up. Really?

You must have a field day talking down to the Germans, the Spanish, the Muslims, the Indians, the South Africans, and every other nation or people that have oppressed some culture, class, or race in those countries. I should probably stop bothering you and let you attend to your rounds.

What the hell does Sam's article have to do with race? MLK's dream was of equality, but Sam is merely pointing out that TacoBell seemed a bit tasteless in their attitude on the holiday celebrating the King. This article could hold true for countless other holidays. Memorial Day, Veterans Day, Jesus' Birthday,


Biddle is a traditional Mexican name. You, sir, are an asshat.