
@I see the light. It burns!: actually, i heard she goes and picks up the workers that sit in front of home depot to "get the job done."

another thing to point out is that if you're using a custom kernel than you will most likely need to use some form of power management like SetCPU provides. in the kernel — the power management bit is proprietary and is not released when the kernel source is. sooo, custom kernels may not have anything too productive

@ddmeightball: mine does the same thing when your wife texts me. go figure.

so would i be correctly using plenum if i said: i prefer for the nozzles for the wiper fluid to be on the plenum as oppossed to the hood.

@ian.moore1: just look for the green enterprise sticker.

i love my uncle, but when he offered to let me drive his PT Cruiser — i respectfully declined. i have had to do it in the past with rentals and i have vowed: "NEVER AGAIN!"

well, after i have had a few i tend to be a little verbally abusive. i don't mean what i say, but i know that doesn't take it back. i'm sorry, baby.

oh, man. thank god that barrier did its job. that could have been so much worse with all those oncoming cars.

@BrtStlnd: and the next will be The Fasteriousest.

@Joshua.H: so you're implying it's just his computer and that your computer actually does care?

wait. so who took the picture?

what is it with marsupials always trying to hide in the most inappropriate places.

@Chris Newport: do you keep it as an investment or for the enjoyment?

wow. what is with the sense of entitlement here? these men aren't your grandfathers and as such aren't gonna sell you their classic car on the cheap. and how can you fairly compare an owner that preserves their car versus one that uses it as his daily? it's like taking the fact that you like gin martinis and then

where is my live blog, Giz? this is important stuff.

Herro. I buy ebereeting.

if this was supposed to be suicide by cop — you're doing it wrong.