
@apierion: oh, so they have a lot more to work with than i knew. that's still pretty darn impressive.

@Dogen: again, i am not saying he is wrong. i am just amazed that anyone can develop a theory with so little to build off of. now calm down.

the last time i saw an imagination that good was at lunch on sunday. some little girl playing with her dolls and doing what little kids do.

@Ryanrule: someone is feeling sassy. sass on sista.

@5erge: well, share with the class

Will it blend? Does it run Crysis? It's not a big deal. Sent from my iDevice. I, for one welcome [some sort of] overlords. In Soviet Russia the commenters ban YOU. Step 1: Comment. Step 2: Get Banned. Step 3: ??? Step 4: Profit! Yo dawg, I hear you like the banhammer. First post! LOL! LMAO!

so what's the SUV in the background?

really? the air force is gonna make back door jokes while going to san fran? shame on you guys.

@Nick: oh, and how is it that nobody hit anybody else? here in the states there would have been at least 5 accidents after the jump.

can someone put that up with some yakety sax in the background? thanks, you're a doll.

the last time i commented to myself (and now the internet) about a woman driver was monday. on my commute to work i got stuck behind an inattentive and slow driver. immediate bad start of the day. then at the light i watched her put on her make-up and that is how i knew. but what i thought ridiculous was just her

@Saboth: to maintain appearances. it makes it seem like they didn't just steal the tech, but by coincidence use the same tech.

oooh, smoke coming from the front tires on a RWD vehicle is not a good sign. might wanna get that checked out.

@talkingstove: i didn't need audiogalaxy until the orginal napster went down. original napster was and will always be the best.

tisket a tasket a wire bike with side basket.

@AlxFromPhilly: i hate when i can't control the volume of THOSE DARN COMMENTS.

i just don't see why manning didn't go to geraldo. i guess you just have to draw a line in the sand.

is that dodge in the background parked on the sidewalk?

@strideo: actually, you can only eat just one. they always notice and then kick you out of the store.