
Just, UGHH, to this entire Post/Thread.

Wow, it only took a week for The Root to exhaust me with unnecessary academic paradoxes.

TJ Miller needs to REALLY think about over exposure. A little goes a LOOONG way.

Fantastic quality sound for the money if you’re not an audiophile. Buuuut...

Fantastic quality sound for the money if you’re not an audiophile. Buuuut...


Every letter of this pretentious babble is either invalidated or proven in actuality to be satire by the phrase,”the best of George Lucas’s ‘Star Wars’ entries...”

Man, he nearly took the top of his head off. But, just the top. You know the skin on top of his skull, where his hair is? What’s that called?

There is no God, only the FCS.

Why are SO many people invoking Trump here? Does rehashing now pointless anti-Trump shit slinging make them feel better that the current sitting President has virtually turned a blind eye? You know, the one who doesn’t even have to face any political repercussions because his his terms are up and his party already

This has nothing to do with Trump. Why even bring that up, unless it’s to say, “on top of,” or, “in addition to”?

I absolutely cannot stand GO! Not because it isn’t the Titans show “I” want, but because it’s a show for miniature people whose brains haven’t fully formed yet and it is SO irresponsibly careless with its moral compass.

Isn’t it a pretty shirty company though, I mean, politically? Why am I recalling that?

Isn’t it a pretty shirty company though, I mean, politically? Why am I recalling that?

And the current outrageous spending has really helped to keep Islamic extremism at bay over the past decade and a half, so with our stellar success rate why not continue and expand a sure thing.

May be Tuesday, but lately it feels like it’s Always Saturday, even if everyone else is swaying Under the Yoke.

It’s crossed my mind that this has been GOP plan B all along: they know he’s a tainted Fuck up who will hang himself given enough rope, which instantly installs Pence who is 100% on board with party agenda.

Well, when you shoot at everything that moves you eventually hit SOMETHING.

CLEARLY you’ve never been to Long Island.

Either it’s down because of traffic - both on ONE and online - or it’s really only a Multi-player “SOME” access weekend.

You’re reading it wrong. The chart is % of overall deaths by auto. With so many dudes dying lead poisoning, plane crashes, and explosive dismemberment, it drove the ratio down. Plus, yeah, people were driving less due to petrol rationing.

Have your dose adjusted; it worked for me.