Nicholas Slayton

True, they can keep it going if the stories naturally evolve and it's good and that's fine. It's just that every time a show launches with a title and premise that offer a limited time-span, I question the practicality of the show.

This is dark, but plausible.

A few years ago ABC or CBS had Harper's Ferry, a kind of riff on Agatha Christie murder mysteries. It wasn't great all the way through (big cast, the first few deaths weren't quite noticed, so more emphasis on soap opera antics; also the show got good but wasted its finale). That's the first that comes to mind. When

Considering real life history and all of the stuff that goes down in between '93-'98, they've got some crazy stuff to deal with.

That was a perfect touch.

Seriously. That's been one of the show's biggest strengths. They kept the near-documentary element from the start, although this episode was the first time since the Padilha-directed pilot that it felt as strong.

The real-life footage of Pablo's mom was chilling in so many ways.

This is the perfect analogy.

Exactly. Medellin was the story of the "Great Man" for lack of a better term. One essentially real-life supervillain. With Cali we get the story that Bill Stencher and Javi's story hinted at: Paranoia, black ops, backroom deals, more Game of Thrones type power playing.

No one will ever hike their pants up the way Wagner Moura does. That sounds like a joke, but really, he made that the ultimate wonderful character tic.

I know there are historical beats that it had to match, but did anyone else notice that the raid on Pablo was staged like the OBL raid in Zero Dark Thirty? Right down to Trujillo asking the sniper if he knew what he just did?

Exactly. If this was a one-season miniseries, fine. But there's a huge time limit.

I'm just wondering how long it will be before the title feels like an antique. Like, if he's running re-election, and they've wrapped up who killed everyone else and moved onto new threads, will the title still work?

Penny Dreadful.

Vera didn't even hug Elliot like he promised over and over.

That wild-eyed look he sported in the kitchen freakout elevated this from Patrick Bateman-esc to Joker levels.

I'm making my way though season 2 now and I just noticed this as well. He seems so normal in height on Arrow, yet towers over Edgar, who's around Jimmy's 6-foot-height. What is going on?

Since Spaced in 1999-2000, for sure. This show is like a darker, American version of Spaced, just in terms of being very true to life.

The Peaky Blinders/Netflix gag with Sam and co. is great, as is Shitstainz's romance with Jacquelyn. Plus Jimmy and coasters. Honestly this show does running gags better than anyone else, because it's all so subtle (save for the Mario stache).

Edgar Breakfast Watch needs to be a thing in every recap.