Nicholas Gray

From my understanding from the various reports today, it is not facing the Earth so no pretty colors for us.

I remember that article, Starter Pistols. Cheap, no need for a license or any finicky regulations. Just the same pistol used to start races.

I now have my own tea to wipe up off my desk... thank you very much.

Afghanistan, north of the equator, alone has around 30 languages spoken in it. Many middle eastern people I have met are multilingual. One person I had the joy of sitting next to on a plane was able to speak 9 languages all near fluency. Pashto is a language spoken in Afghanistan that has many distinct dialects and

Leather, or rubber gloves? I know leather may be hit or miss as I don't know the conductivity of leather beyond that it has the ability to stop the shocks I may potentially experience at work. Rubber though, easily prevents shocks.

Leather, or rubber gloves? I know leather may be hit or miss as I don't know the conductivity of leather beyond that it has the ability to stop the shocks I may potentially experience at work. Rubber though, easily prevents shocks.

You can watch Hulu on your iphone with the Photon app. It's a browser replacement for Safari. Faster and flash video capable. It does have some drawbacks and isn't free, but it is very nice for what it's intended for.

Ironically coming from drtoxic....


The military sells these on both Army and Air Force bases, I would assume Navy and Marine as well. This exact model is on my backpack, and my normal non-dress wear watch.

@fughedaboudit: The major issue that the FAA and Pilots, like myself at one point, has is the local conditions. Even if you could centralize this controllers, there are still repairs being done on runways at odd times. Various utilities crossing the different strips, and planes taxiing to and from take-off and

What if your phone receives a call while this is up? Never used an iPhone with an app open. Does it ring?

@Firesphere: Does it work that easily? I was considering picking up two of the exact models of my current router and trying it out, but I didn't want to find out that each one has to be joined separately.

@voltaek: I did the same thing, when I saw the article.

What about the law about no extra lights on a moving vehicle? Only emergency vehicles here in WA state may have extra lights....