6.2 LS3
As long as it also addresses the huge number of idiots who are looking at their phones while driving.
I’ve positively identified it as David Tracy’s next car.
Having a trailer also means needing a place to store it. It’s common for HOAs to not allow storing a trailer. From this perspective, trucks are “easier” to deal with.
If they would have just looked at the panel gaps, they would have known it was domestic.
It’s definitely more telling that, if you literally work at the place that makes cars, and in that manufacturer’s entire lineup, you can’t find a product that fits your needs/tastes, and have to go outside of said workplace...that company should ask you why you don’t want one of their products instead of leaving you a…
If you approach it from a brand perspective, you’re automatically wrong. Model to model every brand has gems and turds. Some may trend more one way than the other, but you can’t generalize.
Transmission thumps strong enough to break the windshield.
What engine? The 3.0L Vulcan engines are deadnuts reliable and are tolerant to some of the most horrific negligence. I had a ‘92 as my first car, I beat on it while I perfected the art of the 15,000 mile oil change, I even once drove it 40 miles without coolant, in the summer, when the side tanks on the radiator both…
I can promise you, having kids has brought me more enjoyment out of life than driving cars. And I looooove cars.
<Well, for starters, this is exactly what is being taxed presently — run a/c in your car, you are taxed for that in the form of increased fuel use. Nothing new there.>
Before I take a break from this site I want to clear a few things up.
The Lakers announced they have also acquired Isaac Hempstead Wright, and are pursuing Kevin Love and Brook Lopez for a starting five of Bron, Bran, Brow, Bruin, and Bro.
Guy here who watches way more Pac-12 football than doctors generally consider safe for one’s health — Darnold is a fraud who got drafted solely on his height and the name of his school. Rosen’s more of a wildcard (and could easily turn into Alex Smith or Ryan Fitzpatrick, in terms of consistency), but if you want to…
Even if Josh was being petty here, which he wasn’t, Steve Smith was literally the pettiest player ever so maybe stop throwing stones bro
I think, at worst, he’s an Alex Smith-type. Athletic, seemingly a good dude, whose thoughtfulness gets mistaken for a lack of toughness.
The way to think about the rule is that it’s designed to prevent a defense from taking advantage of ‘defenseless’ runners and getting more than 1 out on a play where they should only be able to get 1 out.
As a fellow lefty I regret to inform you these people have lost their goddamn minds. They’re threatening death on a fellow American because somewhere along the line lefties became racist pieces of shit who threaten violence on others.
Wait, so you can see what’s behind the trailer but not where the end of the trailer is? Sounds like a great way for some accidents. I’ll stick with old fashioned mirrors.